Shoot their engine or gun and then if that did not get them send a second
Maybe, but we all know HEAT is far from reliable
I think players should then learn the placement of crew/ 1st stage ammo. I dont think players should be rewarded for shooting the empty back of the PUMA/Freccia/other ifvs.
on non light tanks yeah, but if you hit a light tank with HEAT it does explode, and even then why should adding a bad system be a fix for a bad damage model
Absolutely against all of these. The damage module in this game is already broken and adding a stun mechanic on top of that is a terrible, terrible idea. All that needs to happen is for crew replacement to replace more than one crew. This is fixing things that don’t need fixing. Terrible idea.
New modules, crew healing == A “First Aid Kit” that you have to grind out and unlock.
No injury you get in a tank in combat can be “healed” within the span of the game.
Crew do get stunned and concussed, but they are also high on adrenaline and fear/anger. This is just added complication without any clear benefit to game play and I voted no for all of it. Fix all the other bugs in the game before adding more please.
Healing mechanic is first aid kit.
It’s realistic unlike single-use first aid kits of other games.
I’m not saying people should get a kill for shooting the very end of a large empty vehicle with a dart, I’m saying that sometimes there are moments when shooting at these vehicles where a dart will pass by crucial modules but do very little/no damage at all. This is made much worse when you consider that these vehicles reach speeds of 70, 80, 90km/h and so aiming at precise crew or ammo-racks can be much harder (not saying it should be easy, but hopefully you know what I mean)
shaking, sparks, random fire - this is the worst thing you could think of. there’s already plenty of random, that’s enough
Please no shaking, flashing, blurring and sudden changes in the direction of the camera or I (and many others) will have to stand up and leave the PC monitor due to motion sickness.
My objection is that it’ll be yet another BS “upgrade” that should come with a Fully Mission Capable vehicle, just like all the others.
yeah, this is a ridiculous example of light tanks refusing to generate any spall. although, you didn’t damage any of the 2S38’s crew, so I don’t think the stun mechanic would kick in here.
Well in such a scenario you should already try to position yourself so you have cover to work with.
AP does no damage to a light? Fire it as best you can then go back to cover. Works better the farther you get from the target.
At closer ranges, you shouldn’t have much issue “headshot sniping” the crew anyway as its quite trivial to do that given that you know where to aim.
That is gameplay.
You fumbled the first shot and now you have to deal with that fact. Same way the light tank has to deal with the fact they just got shot.
ah yes stun the crew in a bathtub that is separating the crew form where your round went
Still against it, 1000%.
As someone who suffers with tinnitus 24/7, I really won’t appreciate that at all.
I don’t understand how people can support adding an additional effect that would impede and worsen the already stupidly long repair times this game has. That’s unbelievable to me.
This is an issue relating to small calaber apfsds only. No need to change fundamental game mechanics to fix this.