Following the Roadmap: grouping vehicles, rank changes, and improvements to premium vehicles

Current battle ratings are so bad they need a serious overhaul for instance .
Strv m/41 S-II ,Pz 38(t) N.A both fitted with the 37 mm gun like the the Pz 35 and the pz 38(t) in the German tech tree BUT because both the previous vehicles have scouting someone in their infinite wisdom or madness decided to put them both at a BR of 2.3 Facing 105 Shermans ,T-34s ,Pz IV F-2s etc .YET the german Pz 38(t) is 1.7 max why?.
If you wanna scout at 2.3 use the puma AC which is what it was mainly used for in action .
Both the previous swedish and german tanks should be max 1.7 due to gun diameter and armour strength .
For god sake make the matchmaking and battle ratings fair for a change please or ask the devs to play 5 games with these tanks and see how they perform

Stop crying about the m/41 S-II and use APDS that is has. It has horrible stock grind, but after getting APDS it is good. I have about 1.8 KD in it. You can get rid of Pz4, T-34 and M4 from turret shot. The Pz38n.a needs change tho.

the 76mm shermans are separated why cant the 75mm be the same and keep tier ranks, also some of the air changes are not great

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this looks more reasonable, the hellcats being split like that is weird considering some other USA rank & foldering choices

what is the USA navy aviation tree, my eye hurt, I think for once the tree actually look fine. sure folder some of the lower F4U s, but what they have is SO weird? like I think I might be mad but I’m to confused to know.

Everybody knows F-84 bleeds speed on turning as absolute bricks.

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Then let me explain it to you like to a child… don’t get me wrong “is to have fun and enjoy the game” I do enjoy game a lot, but the more you play the more you realize that low ranks are much more balanced then top ones. Point of game is beside enjoying it, to drive or fly ,tanks or aircrafts YOU like and enjoy, not you are forced to play with as current game state. Change is good. My point is ,not for you obv. that not everyone pay to play premiums or have premium account. With that in mind it takes about 3 years of everyday game to get to top vehicle you may like. So that change is more to those players. With premium both vehicle and account it’s matter of 2-3 months from 0 to top… I would encourage you to try it yourself, but changes are coming soon, so now instead of 3 years, will be 1,5 year. Veterans of game are being forgoten by devs in that mean like always. With all above, someone that started game 3 years ago, might have single top of choise researched, when if person that starts after changes, will have double if not triple it. If you want to talk about more about that all come on priv, and I’ll explain in details

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Soo, after following this discussion a bit i decided to try to fix some of the issues highlighted by some and also, in general, re-organize the trees in a way that, at least to me, made some sense.

I used WT Tech Tree maker by przemyslaw-zan on GitHub, here’re the links:
GitHub: WT Tech-Tree Maker
the original Reddit thread:

Before anything tho, i only did it for AIR as i don’t play Ground Forces and i’m not much into tanks so i preferred not to do those.

So, here are the trees:

well, lemme know i guess

gaijin asked for feedback and here’s my feedback ;)


Hey guys, these are fantastic changes but I’d like to bring to your attention a few things you might have missed to make the foldering stuff more “standardized” (air only)
USSR TT → the Su-7s and Su-17s, I really think they should be foldered in their respective ranks
Ger TT → the Su-22s in the German TT could benefit too.
UK TT → I don’t really think that having both the Swifts and Hunters as individual vehicles makes much
sense, also both the Hurricane 1B and 1C and the Tempest MkII and V could get together .
USA TT → I think that the B-25s, P-63s, F-80s and F-104s could be foldered up (maybe the F-14s too)
Jap TT → the Ki84 hei into the folder with others 84s, D4Y3Ko into the folder above it
Chinese TT → Q-5 early and A may very well be together
French TT → VB-10s foldered up and Mirage 2000 maybe?
Swedish TT → Vampire and A-28B grouped and also AJ-37 and AJS-37

I really think the rest of the job you have done is quite honestly astounding and will bring a very big chunk of new players now that TTs are easier to grind.
Really hope you’ll consider my feedback, awesome job guys :)

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that’s… pretty much what i did with the ones i suggested in my reply, except for the Tempest and the Suisei mostly 'cause i was undecided whether to folder them or not;
I was like yes, they are related so it can make sense to folder them, but at the same time they are more like the same airframe with a different engine which usually leads so differences in the flight envelope so it can also make sense to not folder them and in the end i opted to not folder them.
Same story for the Ki-100

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My suggestions to your list:

  • Su-7s, Su-17s, Mig-27s put in the attacker line aka Su-7 before Su-25 and the rest infront Su-25T. & MiG-27K put at rank 7 + folder with MiG-27M.

  • F84s of each nation, put them in the attacker lines of respective nations, & also folder them with F84Fs.

  • J34 put in the Swedish fighter line & fold it with J32B.

  • Me-262 Jabo folder with Narval 262 50mm.

  • Sea Hawk switch places with Sea Venom.

  • Meteor Mk3, Mk4, Mk8 folded together into 5 plane folder.

  • Sk-60 & 105 folder them.

  • T-18B & T-18B(57) folder them.

  • A28B & A29B folder them.

  • Etendard 4M, Jaguar A, Mirage 5F, Mirage F1CT, Mirage 2000D-R1, put them in the attacker line aka infront of F84F. & folder Mirage 5F + Mirage F1CT.

  • J2 & J4 folder them.

  • F86-F40 in Japan & China tree moved to rank 6. Chinese ver folded with F-100A

  • T-1 & F-1 foldered together.

  • MiG-15s & 17 foldered together.

  • IL-2 1941, 42, 43 foldered together.

  • IL-2M & IL-2 37 foldered together.

  • MiG-17AS put at rank 6.

  • MiG-23BN put in attacker line aka behind Su-22s.

  • CL-13B Mk6 put at rank 6 and foldered with F86K.

  • MiG-21MF & Bis SAU foldered together.

  • Lim-5P put at rank 6 behind MiG-19S.

  • Do-217 Ns put at rank 1 & foldered with Do-217 Js.

  • Do-217 Es foldered with Do-217 Ks.

  • G-91 R/4s put at rank 6

  • G-91 pre-series, G91 R/1, G91Y & YS put back in the Italian fighter line back where they belong.

  • P-47D-30 Italian put in American fighter line aka infront of Bf-109 G14/AS.

  • G55 sottoserie 0 folded with G55 serie 1 into a 3 plane folder.

  • F-86 A5 and F25 foldered with F-2

  • F-105D put in the attacker line aka infront AV-8C

  • F-5A & C put at rank 7.

  • A-10A put at rank 7.

  • F9F-8 put at rank 6.

  • F2H-2 foldered with F9F-3 & 5.

  • Do-335 A-0 put in the right side attacker line & folder with Do-335 A-1.

  • Fw-190 F8 put infront Me-410 Bs.

  • Hunter FGA.9 put at rank 6.

  • Hunter F1 put at rank 5.

  • Buccaneer S2 put in attacker line and folded with Harrier GR.3.

Some additional points,

  • Any plane with air-air missiles, afterburners, should be an automatic rank 6.

  • Attackers be placed in attack line and not with bomber. Furthermore redesignate MiG-27s, Mirage 5F, Mirage F1CT to “Strike Aircraft”.

  • Every BR should have a maximum BR cap to help allocate vehicles rank (note some exceptions can be applied since air-air missiles, afterburners is the bottom line HARD rule) but the general rule of thumb should go like this:
    Rank 1 max BR should be upto 1.0 - 2.0
    Rank 2 upto 2.3 - 3.3
    Rank 3 upto 3.7 - 5.7
    Rank 4 upto 6.0 - 7.3
    Rank 5 upto 7.7 - 9.0
    Rank 6 upto 9.3 - 10.3
    Rank 7 upto 10.7 - 11.3
    Rank 8 upto 11.3 - and above…


making some changes now; i’ll reply again once finished

you basically just produced what we have already suggested here: Comprehensive proposal to Improve the proposed Grouping of vehicles - #35 by super_cacti

though it is nice to see it visualized

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might be worth chiming in there as well, as right now people seem to be fixated on just one or two things when the very ordering they have gone for is a bit of a mess. the german tank line and the american naval fighters are easily the most agregious though

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yep, the USN fighter line gaijin proposed makes almost no sense

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its nonironically worse then the tree already present, all they literally had to do was folder the buffalos and the early corsairs instead of the frankenfolders they went with. Now the average new player will completely miss the f6f arguably one of if not the best us fighter in that bracket

links to my original reply (Following the Roadmap: grouping vehicles, rank changes, and improvements to premium vehicles - #250 by Akio_Yamamoto_74) have been updated

I actually like this idea.
Probably, J29F can move to Rank 5 and folder to the J29A because J29D that has afterburner is still Rank 5.
Also, the locations of J34 and J32B should be swapped because historically, J34 was delivered to the Swedish Air Force at a time older than the J32B iirc.

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Here are my suggestions to your list

•Mostly good except f105 should stay after b57
•maybe cannonstang inside p51 folder

•mig23bn should stay after il28
•mig23mla to rank 7
•cl13s should stay rank 6
•g91 stays after ho229

•i16 type 27 should be after mig3 folder
•switch yak3 and yak9u folders place
•move yak38m back to rank 6
•folder mig23mld with mig23m at rank7 just as gaijin proposed
•unfolder su 25s and move su25 back to rank 6
•folder mig27s and move them back to bomber line

Otherwise your list is pretty good.

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