Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-0/R11 #150020

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Hello everyone! This will be my first suggestion in a series of suggestions relating to our long winged overlords, the Ta-152. Sadly the old topics died with the forum changeover. I Will be updating information as more becomes available to me (read as im broke at the moment, and can’t afford the required books). In the meantime, i will be extensively be using the works of @senfwurst and @AbfangJager to help me along.

For further reading about the Ta-152, i strongly suggest giving THIS THREAD a read, as it is excellent, and will help understand the nuances between all the slightly different models and one offs.

Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-0/R11 #150020


What is the Ta-152H0?
Most of us here are probably familiar with the two variants of the 152 we have in game. The H1, and the C3. Currently no H0 is in the game, what is the H0? The H0 is most closely related to the H1, however it lacks the MW-50, and GM1 system, and their subsequent fuel tanks. It also lacks the fuel bags in the wings. The image below (translated by google) shows the fuel tanks and boost systems. Therefore the only fuel tanks remaining are the ones in the fuselage. This would significantly reduce the weight, around 500kg less than the H1. Though i have found small discrepancies in the documents i have gone over.



What makes #150020 so special?

The plane at the top of this post, is not a random one off, thats her, and to this day she is alive and… well

The only surviving Ta-152 of any type in existence.

It does come with a small story as to how it ended up at the NASM.

As the Soviets rolled over eastern Germany, many Luftwaffe pilots took off and steered their mounts west. They preferred to be captured by the West. The British recovered “Green 4” in Aalborg, Denmark, at the end of hostilities. They turned the airplane over to "Watson’s Whizzer’s, the U. S. unit charged with collecting German aircraft for further study. Lt Harold McIntosh flew '020 to Melun, France, where it was loaded aboard the British aircraft carrier HMS Reaper and shipped Newark Army Airfield, New Jersey. From Newark, McIntosh flew this Ta 152 to Freeman Field, Indiana. The airplane was later transferred to Wright Field, Ohio, to undergo extensive flight testing as Foreign Equipment number FE-112 (later changed to T2-112). After testing, the Army stored the aircraft and then turned it over to the National Air Museum in 1960.

She is also unique among even H0s. The “standard” H series would have the following armament:

1 MK 108 30 mm with 90 RPG firing through the engine
2 MG 151/20 20 mm with 175 RPG in the wing roots

The NASM (where this plane currently resides waiting restoration) found 2 MG 151 mounts in the upper cowling. The plane was intended to be converted to a C series [2], but the work only went as far as the guns. If you look behind the air intake, you can see what i think is the access door for the MG 151 (the same door is present on the C model, but not the H). The intake remains on the right side, indicating the Jumo 213 is still in present. Thus this plane is an H0 series with the following armament:

1 MK 108 30 mm cannon with 90 RPG firing through the engine
2 MG 151/20 20 mm cannon with 175 RPG in the wing roots
2 MG 151/20 20mm (upper fuselage, 150 RPG)

Final stats

It is important to remember that this data WILL be slightly off relating to flight performance due to the accommodation of the two MG151 added. Each one dry will weigh in at 42.7kg a piece. These are the stats given for a standard H0.

Engine Data:

Manufacturer: Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke
Designation: Jumo 213 E
Engine Count: 1
Configuration: liquid-cooled inverted v
Number of Cylinders: 12
Displacement: 35 liter
Dry Weight: 940 kg
Reduction: 1:2.4
Fuel Type: B4 (87 octane)
Supercharger: two stage, three speed supercharger with intercooler

Power Data:

Takeoff Power (“Erhöhte Notleistung” - Increased WEP) (with Ladedrucksteigerungs-Rüstsatz“ field modification by TAM): 1900 PS @ ~1.72 ata @ 3250 RPM @ SL
Takeoff Power (“Notleistung” - WEP): 1750 PS @ 1.58 ata @ 3250 RPM
Climb and Combat Power at SL: 1580 PS @ 1.50 ata @ 3000 RPM
Climb and Combat Power at 10,700 m: 1260 PS @ 3000 RPM
Max Continuous Power at SL: 1320 PS @ 1.39 ata @ 2700 RPM

Propellor Data:

Type: Junkers-VDM VS 9
Blade Count: 3
Blade Diameter: 3.6 m
Material: Wood
Weight: 263 kg

Dimensional Data:

Length: 10.82 m
Height: 3.36 m
Wing Span: 14.82 m
Wing Area: 23.5 m²
Wing Loading (with Gross Weight): 199.53 kg/m²

Fuel and Oil Data:

Internal Fuel Capacity: 230 liter in the frontal fuselage tank, 360 liter in the rear fuselage tank, 115 liter in an additional fuselage tank (for the first 18 machines built); total capacity: 705 liter (525 kg)
Oil Capacity: 62 liter (55 kg)

Weight Data:

Empty Weight: 3920 kg
Gross Weight (combat, full fuel): 4689 kg

General Performance Data:

Max Speed (clean condition): 718 kph @ 10,700 m
Takeoff Distance (combat condition): 320 m
Range: 885 km
Service Ceiling: 13,500 m

Maximum Speeds (clean condition):

At SL (“Erhöhte Notleistung”): 571 kph
At 10,700 m (Combat Power): 706 kph
At 10,700 m (“Notleistung”): 718 kph

Rate of Climb:

At SL (most likely with “Notleistung”): 20 m/s

Time to Altitude:

To 7,000 m (With Climb and Combat Power):* 8 minutes
To 10,000 m* 10 minutes (no specific power given)


1 MK 108 30 mm cannon with 90 RPG firing through the engine
2 MG 151/20 20 mm cannon with 175 RPG in the wing roots
2 MG 151/20 20mm (upper fuselage, 150 RPG)

Here is a chart detailing some of the more specific details, in case they needed. Though i suspect gaijen has this information already

How will it play?

In relation to the Ta-152H1, There is a significant weight difference. Accounting for the weight of the additional guns, this plane will weigh about 4,774kg, compared to the H1 at 5,220kg, a weight reduction of 446kg, or 8.5%. That weight is mostly coming out of the wings, so the H0 would be better in turns. However you are Losing MW-50, and GM1 system. The MW-50 is a painful loss, as this is the system the plane would use at most altitudes we see in game, while GM-1 almost never comes into play. I don’t think the systems are modeled well anyway as is (the mw50 fuel tank is missing on the H1 but the engine sorta acts like t has it).
The thrust to weight ratio difference is slight.
This plane with field mods would come in at 0.2975kW/kg
the H1 at 0.2893kW/kg. keep in mind this is a fully loaded H1, which is a considerable amount of fuel.
Without tuning, this plane has 0.2743kW/kg.
The H1 with what I think is no fuel in the wings weighs in at 4750 kg for a thrust to weight of 0.3178kW/kg. I’m unsure which loadout would be used historically.

So you’re probably looking at a plane that turns better than an H1, has the same energy retention, but just doesn’t quite have as much power.

Hopefully I’ve done a decent job in conveying the uniqueness of this particular plane, and I hope you all enjoyed the read.

[1] Hermann, Dietmar ; Focke-Wulf Ta 152 - The Story of the Luftwaffe’s Late-war, High Altitude Fighter ; Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 1999. ISBN-13: 978-0764308604
[2] “Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-0/R11.” Homepage,,2%2C050%20hp)%20for%20short%20periods. Accessed 6 Jan. 2024.


Suggestion opened for discussion.

@noobz A small note: be sure to leave out the specific nation you’re suggesting the vehicle for in the thread title on your next suggestion. I’ve edited it out during the approval process this time as this is generally not permitted by the current rules.