*FIXED* Su-24M no Bomb sight for CCRP or CCIP in cockpit ( Can't be used in sim battles)

Again WT adds a plane with no ability to use CCRP or CCIP in SIm making it pointless unless you bring ATGM or AGM, I really don’t like having to be within spitting distance of the Base when bombing it thanks.

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Another one?!?

So as CCRP capable planes with no CCPR indication whatsoever in sim are:

  • F-111 family
  • F-105D
  • F-4 family (excepting F-4C which didn’t have CCRP IRL)
  • A-4 (some at least)

Who did I miss?

I still don’t understand why nothing is done about this issue. I think it’s a question of “if it can’t be positively proven with unclassified documents, we won’t do anything about it” vs. a pragmatic approach to the issue.

Note: There are other gameplay elements that are integrated into the game even for Sim via overlay, even if the aircraft in question did IRL not have such instrumentation in the pilot’s cockpit (but very well for the not modelled rear- or copilot-seat with WSO/RIO/whatever), like RWR and for some aircraft even radar. But doing the same for CCRP is not possible?

And it’s iconic aircraft like F-111, F-105, Su-24 which were designed practically for or around that, that can not use that function - but then older aircraft like the F-84F have perfectly well displayed CCRP aiming cues…


Note: Only for the F-4E’s for example, IRL four cockpit instruments (including the sight reticle) show the pilot the direction to a designated/programmed target…


this is very annoying. I wanted to fly the f-111, f-4 , su24 in sim to bomb targeets but in order to do so i basically have to dive down to almost crash into the ground to get a bomb sight… I may just need to get away from wt for a while. just to many issues right now

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Yeah, would love to fly the Aaardvark, but the missing CCRP indicator makes it zero sense for me to do so in Sim.

It’s ironic: Much older airframes can bomb selected targets easily and precisely (even if the real life method would work quite a bit more restrictively, e.g. aircraft equipped with the BT-9 computer), much more modern aircraft specifically designed to do so, can’t:

Even a P-16 (a simple single seater attacker) from 1956 can do what a Su-24M ( a dedicated all-weather bomber) from 1977 can’t do…

Sim seems to be the step child of War thunder as it gets very little attention

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The Su24’s CCRP works very well, it’s just not the same technology as the American planes. Once you have designated your target and switched your HUD to the correct mode, the same targeting reticle as for the CCIP drop appears in the target’s axis. However, the reticle appears “above” the target and can only be seen if the plane is level (it appears as a fixed point in the HUD above the designated area). However, it is not the easiest system to use.


@Schindibee you can remove it from your list


Ty I see it now, how odd but it kinda dose makes sense now I think about it and see it in game

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Too bad they don’t add this for the aircraft I mentioned. Would not be how it is IRL (which would be separate green steering bars for the F-111’s HUD and the “bank” indicator of the reticle rotated towards the target for the F-4…), but at least a pragmatic workaround to give them a capability they had IRL.

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You realize you have to change the HUD in cockpit to show your bomb reticle, right?

It’s because older sim players gatekeeped it from people who wanted to join and get into and gaijin threatened to take it away.

Your statement makes no sense. There is no way to gate keep an option for anyone who as the game to play.

Yeah, there is, it’s called not teaching newcomers.

you dont need hand holding to be able to play, you obviously have a grudge against gaijin and are stretching to try and make things seem worse than they are, but with all the issues that are currently in the game this is really unnecessary to try to make more from nothing.

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