Again, probably in-part how they model IR signatures. I have no idea how it works for helis, but for jets its to do with Thrust. More thrust = hotter. Its why an F-5 on full reheat is colder than an F-117 or why the Harrier is so hot its nearly impossible to flare anything and only gets hotter as your airspeed goes down
F5 is colder than F117? This is strange to say the least, I read that F117 was developed with a reduced IR signature, and the ancient F5 should then glow in the IR spectrum and be captured by all MANPADS at all distances without any problems.
IR signatures being a load of dingo’s kidneys for helicopters has been a problem in this game for actual ages. It’s because IR signatures are based off of thrust and/or horsepower for helicopters and props.
This does mean that if you had your turboprop jet exhaust vent angled forward it would make the overall IR signature lower. The same goes for the majority of helicopters. Exhaust forward makes it harder to lock, for some absurd reason.
Unrelated but I do hope to see the Mi-2 in War thunder one day. It’s so small and neat.
Yup, it was and is semi-modeled. The F-117 has a 0.5x mulitplier applied to its IR signature. Its still hotter
In general, judging the IR signature by the engine power and thrust is quite logical, but the game does not take into account many nuances. For example, if we assume that all helicopters (assuming there is no cooling and exhaust shielding) have ± the same exhaust location (and this is apparently the case), then the capture distance of helicopters should be gigantic compared to the disgrace that we now have in the game. Damn helicopters are absolutely unpunished creatures, especially high-ranking ones.
F-5 and B-2 made by same company, just saying
and that is totally irrelevant.
One is an afterburning engine that spews a giant plume of flame out the back which is not designed in anyway to be stealth. The other is a non-afterburning engine in an aircraft designed to be stealth.
its a bit like saying the Harrier should have stealth capabilities because Rolls Royce makes the engine for both the harrier and F-35
- It’s a joke
- Rolls Royce doesn’t make the F-35’s engine, Pratt&Whitney does
They make the lift-fan
Would a front exhaust worsen the brightness of the IR signature? For some reason, intuitively, it seems to me that this is not the case, otherwise no one would shield the exhaust and mix it with cold air.
If think about it, the sensitivity of the Mistral 3 is most likely in the range of 10^-12(13)W/cm^2. Since it was able to capture a drone (and they have very poor engine power and IR signature brightness) from 7 km, it can also capture motorboats.
Not to mention helicopters that utilized IRCM beacons. Especially prevalent in the Mi-24 series.
Yeah, but thats what Brismtones are for
They use IR-TV right?
SAL at the moemnt, are meant to be mmW
Oh, that’s another missing thing; Helicopter smoke screening.
tail has no armor yet back in earlier updates i could spend 70 hits on it and it wouldnt take enough damage to get fucked.
So have a10s, yet in game its nerfed as hell.
It’s how it would work in the game, due to abstraction and highly simplified modeling. If the AH-6 had the engine exhaust pointing forward, the game would say it’s “colder”.
Thanks for the smoke screen idea. It would be a great way to reveal the helicopter’s location. Now I sometimes miss them hovering behind trees, but this way I can see a flying smoker and lock on it with a thermal or radar 🙃
it’s an ‘option smokescreen’ you can turn on like HSS.
Your not going to see a Helicopter through a giant plume of its smoke when it’s retreating and practically skimming the ground.