"Firebirds" Update Teaser

Sure, especially in 3 vs 3 fights on high tier, where teams filled with AI bots who shoots you when you maneuvering from 4+ km and dev do nothing about for years. Not mentioning that time to kill bot same as kill player but reward for kill 10 times lower, and they ruin the fights by capturing points, when you don’t need it and not capturing when you need it.

probably some spare footage they had lying around, shows nothing new (as far as i can tell)

actually flying in formations already in the game for years in pve campaigns, but sadly we have no love from devs for naval battles in couple of years.

Yep totally undefeatable sm3, and kamovs.
KH38 lock range is same as in mavericks, yep they are faster, but pop a smoke and it’s goner. And when people are using laser version of 38, they are sitting ducks.
F16C is a damn better even that those mavericks lacks a punch compared to 38’s
Not to mention Fox3 free kills on su25’s


Update lookin pretty fun!

i know, but 2s of video showing a few planes flying at a ship doesnt mean they’re gonna work that mechanic into PvP
and quite frankly, pandering to CAS is the last thing naval needs

I’m 100% certain that the map we see in the F-117 reveal is not present in game,nor Air or Ground Battles

This means we’re potentially getting a Kuwait map for Air and possibly ground (judging by the immense oil fires that IRL were scattered all across Kuwait)

Man i seriously can’t wait to cruise full speed on Kuwaiti soil with my M1A1 🫶🏻

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You’re joking right? Show me a video of you taking down Su-25SM3 from 20+km with your SPAA then we’ll talk. Max range of FlaRakRad is 12km while Kh-38ML’s can be fired from 30-40km away, SM3 can kill you without ever going to your range, just because Russian players are bad and don’t know how to use them doesn’t mean the vehicle isn’t OP.


yet another update without AIM-120C

Skipped B

we already have the AIM-120B in war thunder

Laser version yes, you can fire it 30km away, problem is, you cant see a shit in there, and you are sitting duck when controlling it, since it got so narrow quidance.
And Ir versions locks in 8-12km , same as maverick.
And you cant kill anything +20km in any aa in game atm.
And still, any jet that got Fox3’s eats that su25 alive soon as it spawns.
And should we talk about that airframe that got those 38’s is still a SU25.
Gripen and F16C pilots with 2 working braincells makes a lot bigger threat compared to su25sm3 ever.
And want to talk about kamovs? Vikhrs is not even a big problem compared to helos firing 8-16 IR quided missiles and just reloading and repeating.
If you cant see them in time and use smoke , it’s bye bye then.


Not for US💀

I’m saying you have planes flying in formation attacking boats in air sim. The footage could have easily happened in game if some players decided to organize and make a for-fun hellcat/zero raid on the enemy carrier or the like.

I even linked you a video of one of the big sim CCs doing just that: bunch of hellcats torpedo running some poor cargo vessels to complete objectives while flying in formation with each other.


Not really

This is from a player made spreadsheet of all the missiles. these are MAXIMUM numbers, so if you half them you get a bit more realistically practical numbers.

was looking at the wrong numbers.
Better explanation here:

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there’s no difference between the AIM-120A and the AIM-120B in war thunder because it was just an electronic/software improvement which doesn’t make a difference in war thunder

those are GPS guided, so will not be any better than the chinese LS-6 probably




You can clearly see everything even at 20km like seen here https://youtu.be/OSs15Y51cwM?t=253

That’s why Su-25SM3 is OP

F&F helis are OP against SPAAs and Light Tanks but they struggle against MBTs, VIkhyrs being worse in that aspect doesnt mean it’s not one of the best helis in the game.