"Firebirds" Update Teaser

The KH29TD tracks at 7KM. Well within NATO SPAA range…

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I did not say NATO SPAA, I said the ADATS on USA. It’s missile loses all energy at 6-7km, it cannot radar lock and you have to use your eyes to find targets and radar cannot see above you, only the horizon.

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New afterburners and vapor look so good

CAP planes too, you might say R-77’s don’t have range but Russia doesn’t play alone, 8/10 nations have planes with same the AMRAAMS that you also have to worry about on top of superior SPAAs other nations get and with having no cover from ground due to ADATS limited range and radar.

US doesn’t play alone, either.

No where have I argued that ADATs is sufficient.

It is the best CAS because it is the best multirole. The Su-25SM3 might have the best missiles, but it is not the best CAS, because it’s flight performance is so shit, and it only has R-73s for self defense.

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So player controlled planes in naval battles finally gonna fly in formations or it’s just clipmaker imagining things that not in the game?

And where other stuff for naval?


All NATO SAMs become pure RNG past 6km as the missiles start drifting so hard it’s pure luck if it happens to oscillate over the target when it reaches it.

My ITO stats disagree.

Fair enough, but it does often fill the most of the team and get matched with Britain that also has only the ADATS or Israel that only has Chaparrel. There’s also the popularity factor to consider, ADATS isn’t good there for many people don’t research or play with it, meanwhile Pantsir is the best SPAA in the game and is almost always people playing with it.

CAS players being too dumb to dodge doesn’t make an SPAA good. From my own ITO stats as well. Most of them just fly straight rather than even trying to be evasive.

Well we can agree that the US should get something more than ADATS.

There’s just a lot of nuance that flies out of the window in these conversations. Balance in this game is… contentious.


I think the SBD II would be enough.

Ehh, I don’t have issues with it wobbling. It’s pretty responsive 'til about 10KM.

Pantsir does the same thing though, if we’re honest, at around 11-12kms it’s like trying to guide a curling stone.

So how does that work with Russian CAS?

Best multirole that you have to go spitting distance for Mavericks to actually reach a target before they get behind a building, killed by a teammate or get intercepted. Not to mention it’s incredible inconsistency, people say it’s fixed but not at all. Hit markers still happen a lot, it just happened the other match
a direct hit to the roof yet only a Hit with no damage

I mean, there’s players flying in formation against boats.

You just have to organize it and do it in sim.

Not just the ADATS, but both helis and Tanks too are average or below average. Best helis get is Hellfires that is also incredibly slow with top attack and horrible tracking, a single leaf in the way is enough to not hit a target. Also triggers LWS and can easily be avoided with smokes. The best Apache can’t even have the MAW and Stingers at the same time. Really don’t understand how people hype up the USA to be this overpowered tree when it’s worse than or equal to the most of minor tech trees.


So Russian ls-6

Other than air, US isn’t the most powerful, but it definitely isn’t the weakest. It, like most nations, has highs and lows.

USA and it’s f117: