Fire right now just…sucks, and it hasn’t really changed much since CBT.
Right now if you catch on fire, you press the extinguishing key, wait a certain amount of time from crew skill and bam, all fires are out, regardless of where they are, how big they were, and when they were lit.
a small 5 inch gun is on fire from some HE shrapnel? that’ll be 15 seconds to extinguish chief, no problem
A compartment is on fire from being hit by 7 6 inch HE base fuze shells? give me and the boys 15 seconds and we good cap.
Turret B is on fire after 300 12 inch shells of different types detonated from the 16 inch AP shells smashing and detonating in the barbettes? (USS Alaska anybody?) NO PROBLEM CAPT, WE’LL HAVE IT UNDER CONTROL IN 15 SECONDS TOPS.
How does a small secondary or even aux gun being on fire on the top deck take the same time to extinguish as a barbette fire? or a boiler fire?
The other types of damage control are dynamic and change depending on what happened (Boilers take more time to repair.) (a 5 inch AP hole takes less time to report then a 14 inch SAP hole, unwatering time changes depending on how much buoyancy was lost)
Also, why is fire so hit or miss? Its either a fire that does literally nothing during its burn time, or a fire that spreads at mach speed. Some days I struggle to even get fires on targets, even HE spam on modules, and other days I get fires that start at the deck and somehow blow up the ship within a matter of seconds.
Most of all though, fire needs to change as its one of the few great balancers in gameplay, any and all ships regardless of size or class can cause fires on any other ship, with that fact along it should deserves more attention than it has now.
Right now, fire still acts like ground forces, you press a button and fire goes away, no press button and fire kills all. That just doesn’t cut it for 35k ton Battleships with 2000 crew, it just doesn’t make sense.