This is a topic dedicated to all models of Finlands Hornets and a place to share images and specs of said vehicles. Will update post to include current and upcoming Models of the Finnish Hornets and current status.
Current Hornet List:
*F-18C 1995 (In game)
*F-18C MLU 1 (unknown)
*F/A-18C MLU 2 (upcoming, date unknown)
Current info on MLU 2 (will eventually get around to making sections for each based on if they are being added but finding specific info like weight is a tad bit frustrating.)
F/A-18C MLU 2
*Add on Countermeasures Saab BOL 500
details and links
The Finnish MLU 2 is equiped with BOL 500 of which the MLU 2 mounts 4 of these pods which are mounted on stations 2 and 8. The pods are mounted on both sides and allow the MLU 2 to have a total of 640 countermeasures added to its internal 120. BOL can be equipped with either Chaff or Flares.
*History and list of upgrades and modifications added with the MLU 2
List of upgrades, History is WIP
Taken from their website, any additional minor changes will be added but its a general list for a easy read without checking the link.
*Air-to-ground weapons including short-range precision-guided bomb (Joint Direct Attack Munition, JDAM), medium-range glide bomb (Joint Standoff Weapon, JSOW), and long-range standoff missile (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile, JASSM)
*Link 16 datalink for international compatibility and improved system performance for national network-centric defence
*Litening targeting pod
*New version of AIM-120 active radar guided advanced medium-range air-to-air missile (AMRAAM)
*Mission computer software updates for new ordnance
*BOL chaff/flare dispenser
*Installation of liquid crystal displays and other cockpit updates
*Sensor suite updates
*New global positioning system
*New flight test instrumentation
*Modifications to communication and navigation systems to address changes in international civil aviation requirements
I mean after Smins post that they want unique vehicles and MLU 1 is being skipped in favor of MLU 2. I think the only hornet that should get BOL is the the MLU 2. Its also a historical armament for the MLU 2.
Only problem is gaijin not artificially gimping it because it would take away uniqueness from the US.
Or take the more realistic approach and assume they’ll do their continued show of hate against Finland which is more likely. I mean its not like it hasn’t been obvious how little they care about the subtree or its actual vehicles. I’m entirely ready for the MLU 2 to be added alongside stuff like F15EX because of 9X being on MLU 2. Despite gaijin consistently showing they will add latwr aircraft with worse missiles for balance.
Helicopters are a touchy subject with the playerbase lol. And currently we dont know if the MLU 2 could be added end of year or next year. We have no idea.
E features a top.of the line EW suit and prioritizes EW. NG is the prototype technology demonstrator that led to the E. NG would essentially be an E but without the EW suit. The NG also has a different tail design and had models with and without IRST mounted on the nose. It would be better for the NG to be added as it would be a better 14.0 then the F-18C by miles. And it would allow for gaijin to add the E when EW and 5th gen missiles are here. No reason to gimp the E when the NG exists and is lighter.
Gaijin’s been rolling out new attack heli packs every update—Pakistan’s Mi-35, France’s AH-64D, and now with this update, Germany’s Tiger… I’m not too sure, but I feel like as long as there’s some kind of test record, Gaijin might be willing to add them, even without actual service history. Just my take, though. Sweden definitely deserves more vehicles in the game—gotta rep my Swedish lineup, lol.
They already have with the AHS and MI-28A which were both tested but never put in service every attack helicopter that could be added to the Swedish TT has already been added unless they add a new sub tree that’s all Sweden will get unfortunately.
When i get home from work ill start pulling stuff together been a bit busy. Id like to get it in a coherent post rather than just send links without saying what each refers to. This post was quickly made since we cant reply using the prior threads as they were closed alongside the dev. If you dislike the thread then i encourage you to add to it or make your own. I unfortunately dont have time to set everything within a few hours with work and me needing to check the current live F-18C to make sure its working correctly which as of now im working to test EEGS and its first person HUD.
Updated it quickly while im on break. I have a doc im working on separately with the info so ill go through and clean it up later while adding the more niche info if i figure its worth adding. (New fuel probes dont seem worth mentioning but who knows.) Its about 7pm so ill probably do more additions friday since i dont have anything late since im here till about 10 lol not my normal work schedule.
This article has a nice concise (a bit rough on the details though) list of modifications done with the Hornet MLU2 also includes MLU1 upgrades naturally