Finnish F-18C & F/A-18C Variants and Discussion

Finnish F-18C Hornet in a “early” form.
Finland chose to buy Hornets to replace aging Drakens and MiG-21BIS interceptors in the 90s with first Hornets arriving to Finland in 1995 in form of D variant Hornets which were twin seat variants.
All of the Finnish F/A-18C Hornets were built in Finland by Patria, 5 of the D variants came from USA.

There are a few Hornets that could be added to Finnish tree in Swedish tree, the C and D. And MLU Upgrades.

There already exists a suggestion for the F/A-18C MLU 2, and I recently made suggestion for the original variant which rolled out from Patria lines. MLU 1 needs to be suggested still. I will focus on Finnish ships now.

Could carry 12 missiles max.

According to state reported publicly available arms transfer data and other sources, Finland has the following air to air missiles for Hornets:
AIM-120C ?
AIM-120D ?
Question marks mean that I am not 100% sure they were used or are yet in service.


Finnish F-18C Early (1995-2006)


  • M61A1 Vulcan
  • AIM-9M
  • AIM-120A
  • Dumb Bombs
  • Rocket Pods
  • AN/APG-73 Radar
  • Standard 120 countermeasures
  • Standard F/A-18C Equipment

Below are the two Mid Life Upgrade variants that can be added in future.


F-18C MLU 1 (2006-2012)


  • Same stuff as before
  • AIM-120C
  • AIM-9X


  • JHMCS Helmet Mounted Sight
  • Moving tactical map display (Tactical Aircraft Moving Map Capability, TAMMAC)
  • Better Identification friend-or-foe interrogator
  • New communication radios


F/A-18C MLU 2 (2012-now)


  • Same stuff as before
  • AIM-120C7
  • AIM-120C8
  • JSOW
  • JDAM
  • SDB II


  • Link 16 datalink
  • Litening targeting pod
  • BOL chaff/flare dispensers
  • Installation of liquid crystal displays and other cockpit updates
  • Sensor suite updates
  • New GPS



While I would love the Finnish F/A-18 to be added I think the US should get theirs first before anyone else.

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Well I mean if it is added to Finnish subtree, its gonna be added to US tree too.

Thats not how it works sorry, gripen didn’t get that, f16 didn’t get that, su27 didn’t get it ect ect

Well i said should not that it would

And im here to burst your bubble. Thats just not how it works. I don’t bother arguing for it with gaijin cause that does nothing.

They’ll be added at the same time.
Just like Gripen and Su-27.

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Why did you need to @me? I know know this already

Just to add, there is a possibility of AIM-9X Block II for the MLU 2, they were purchased in 2022. But I have no concrete source stating or picture, of AIM-9X Block II being used on the hornet. Maybe in future, idk.

  • If someone happens to know what a “AIM-9X Block II Tactical Guidance Unit” is, would be nice to know. 4 pieces of such items were bought along with the AIM-9X Block II missiles.

So only 60 CMs (and only small caliber)
we are slightly fucked

should come with BOL according to the devblog

No, never mentioned in the devblog

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well ‘countermeasure pods’ but that essentially means BOL here

Well I don’t know for sure but I belive it is just gaijins bad english, it’s quite common that they write things in a weird way.

Haven’t done much reserch, but from what I can find BOL was part of the F/A-18C MLU 2 upgrade package.

DOA lets goooooo, another L for the worst subnation in warthunder

Could possibly also be the ALE-37A/A, which adds 2x 120 Standard sized Countermeasure units for Chaff & Flare per station it is taken on (present on the AV-8A in game).

Would be essential, given that our hornet is looking like another Baz Meshupar situation, it needs all the help it can get