Finland as nation?

That’s some copium if I’ve ever heard it, but whatever makes you happy.

Pardon me for trying to correct a minor mistake…
Some people will seemingly just look for any excuse to get upset.

Okay, try to make a Finnish tree and show us how you did then

Here: WT Tech-Tree Maker

I mean, it’s just not really a possible nation. There’s barely anything.

In contrast, a nation like Yugoslavia has an expansive mix of domestic vehicles with reasonable amounts of copy-pasted filler:

Finland as a nation is only really feasible as a sub-tree, and that’s what it is. (Although we are still missing many Patria variants).


Yeah, that list he posted didn’t look like it could fill up much a of a TT

i dont wanna sound rude or anything, but there are far better nations than finland that can be added as their own independent, standalone tech tree


umm, all of these are of soviet origin…

The only thing Finland has domesticated is Patria and some of its aircraft. Most of its domestic designs is the navy Not even Sweden has its own navy yet, so i doubt Finland as a new nation would recieve it first.

With this logic most of Sweden wouldn’t be unique either, whichis nonsense.

Finland has a good amount of unique stuff when looking at performance altering mods, just not enough for an independent tree.

Soooo, Did you miss our domestic ww2 and cold war tanks, and domestic aircraft.

Our country had import vehicles as a last resort. There are ALOT of Swedish vehicles that have been submitted as suggestions, but haven’t been implemented since gaijin doesn’t have the recourses to add all of them. We never had Heavy tanks (only the EMIL prototype) We had a LOT of cars, light tanks, APCs and etc. our only import vehicles are more modern vehicles like the leopards. since we decided that import was better economically.

That is correct, however it relates to how Israel’s tank designs are implemented in war thunder.

C&P First is the way to go for Gaijin.

No Finland doesn’t. It doesn’t have enough vehicles in existence to form a tech tree.
Israel has far more vehicles than Finland.

lolno It isn’t. They avoid C&P when they can.
Which is why the vast majority of Israel is unique tanks.

I mean that its their way to fix gaps in TTs seriously they feel like they aren’t putting any effort into patching gaps with that countries vehicles.

mmm, Nope, no and definitely no.
we just dont have enough to be a stand alone tech tree.
And eventually , it’s 95% copypaste soviet and germans. That’s the reason why it’s sub nation on sweden and it’s just fine.
Just missing some iconic vehicles, likes stug on finnish camo and concrete reinforcment. ( Why the f that is not yet in here.) And on top tier, AMOS could be intresting, but I have a feeling it will be pain to balance. 12 shot 120mm grenade salvos hitting on same spot simultaneously sounds fun… But not for that who’s behind that cover…

Except it would duplicate vehicles that are already in the Swedish TT. Given the way Gaijin does what Gaijin does, it can’t/won’t remove or transfer those to the new Finnish tree (ref. Israel), so you would have to regrind those vehicles out. Again.
Also, it would reduce the size of the Swedish tree and make progression and playable lineups harder.

Bad idea.

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Finland as a subtree was the best solution, although it’s quite sad there are mostly c&p vehicles in the tree.
I’m Finnish myself, and would therefore obviously have loved to see Finland represented as an independent nation in-game, but that was an impossible option. Our country is simply not a significant enough contributor to the defence industry, especially when taking into account lower tiers/the earlier half of the 20th century.

Besides, we already have enough tech trees in the game. Having 10 different trees to grind is quite a lot. Subtrees are the future of the game (imo).

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This whole thing screams ChatGPT. On top of sounding like it’s written by ChatGPT, there’s this line:

How would it enrich Sweden’s tree? It takes option away from Sweden!

Also, this further proves that it is written by ChatGPT:

First of all, the writing for the first bit its punctuated and capitalized completely differently than the rest. That’s a telltale sign of the first 2 sentences being you and the rest AI. Beyond that, the information is extremely wrong. @FlipAllTheTables already pointed out that the Pyörremyrsky is not a jet fighter and you editing the post later doesn’t change that because they quoted it already. Furthermore, the Finnish T-26E is not a modernized T-26, it’s based off the Vickers Mk. E, which the T-26 is also based off of. I also can’t find any record of the BT-42L ever existing, and Finland most certainly could not have used the T-50-2 because only a single prototype was ever built of it and it fought at Leningrad. Also, the VL Humu has no relation to the VL Myrsky. The Humu was a modified B-239. It has no relation whatsoever to the Myrsky. Looking at it for even a single second will tell you that.


i agree

Imho you mixed up:

  1. Historical approach = Actual involvement in wars
  2. Game play approach = TTs/Sub-trees from gaijn’s & players perspective

So from a historical pov Finland as stand-alone nation would make sense - if the game would be played solely by WW 2 enthusiasts and would care about such things like immersion or somehow “realistic” combat scenarios.


  • From gaijin’s pov (= earning money) a stand alone nation makes no sense - there are way too few options to add premium vehicles and missing top tier hardware (= attractiveness for most new players) is further limiting income possibilities.

  • Players without patriotic motivations will always look for uniqueness of equipment and capabilities of a tree / nation throughout all ranks & BRs. These arguments will often be accompanied by buzzwords like “domestic” or “copy & paste” but imho just a minority is able to have a more holistic view and have an interest in historical accuracy.

A last word for people trying to look smarter than they actually are:

It makes zero difference if chat gpt, the OP itself or a trained turtle has created posts; criticism of form instead of content is just a very cheap way (used mainly by rather weak personalities) to look smart as it prevents them from dealing with the content.

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You see its right here

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Oh true. Anime is the most reliable source after all.

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WT x GuP collab when 🤔

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