[Feedback] Loss of unsinkability mechanics

Yep, given relatively recent overhauls to how missiles target ships + another new ASM with the last event and big calls to add more and then finally complaints about how little damage ASMs actually do. I do wonder if this is their solution for why above waterline damage can cause waterline damage.

This entire mechanic doesnt make total sense to me otherwise


I semi agree with this

I do agree that it is unrealistic for a boat to sink just by shooting only the forward or rear most compartment however I feel like (for PT boats) if you shot one of the centerline compartments enough that should sink the boat to simulate it being literally torn in half from all the bullets

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Gaijin is bringing WT mobile aiming to arcade
And what else is in WT mobile…?
AShM, Submarines, CIWS and naval ECM


I would say it is rather for punishing people who stay alive for a very long time in battle, as this mechanic clearly wants your ship to unstoppably sink after prolonged exposure under fire, and such fate is unavoidable because:

  1. The nature of bluewater fleet battle means that you cannot avoid getting hit like in air/ground battles
  2. Armour is practically irrelevant in this case

I think this is a very dangerous move, because it departs from a very basic concept of any war simulation game - which is to minimise the risk of getting killed while maximising the damage you inflict on the enemy. Instead, it now encourages players to turn off their brains and just throw as many shells at the enemy as they can to get kills before they inevitably die sooner or later.


Gaijin on their way to “fix” something that wasn’t broken in the first place for the 20th time


What do you mean “not broken”? This thread - https://forum.warthunder.com/t/nerf-scharnhorst-armor-or-make-it-8-0/ - exists largely because the old unsinkability mechanic work in a very unrealistic way, hugely favoring Scharnhorst.


Yes, ship sinking with 70% of the crew alive is 100% normal. Ships almost never “died” because of the crew deaths.

With new system Scharnhorst will going to sunk Yamato with ease,

It’s literally the opposite. It’s the old system that made it impossible for Yamato to sink Scharnhorst with AP shells. The new system finally makes it possible.

The Scharn is OP because it is under BRed which is Gaijins fault.

Even if the system currently unrealistically favors a ship, you can move that ship up instead of creating a completely new system for the rest of naval.


At the expense of every other ship and by adding a very frustrating mechanic that favors the old braindead HE spam gameplay


Yep. The optimal solution right now is to immediately move Scharnhorst to 7.7


And honestly
I may be a bit paranoid, but that mechanic also reeks of gaijin trying to punish good players by forcing them to die to limit their research speed, since you’ll die much faster and have to respawn in an non-premium ship instead of spending the entire match in your premium/talismaned ship


My opinion about this mechanic.
I tested destroyers,cruisers,battlecruisers and battleships.
If for destroyers(BR 3.7-5.3) changed nothing but for cruiser and,especially, battleships situation become dramatic. Role of armor reduced.
I need 6 salvos from Moffet to destroy Koln because even HE shell dont penetrate plate hull receive damage. It`s unlogical.
First problem - Hitpower of HE shell.
2nd - number of section required to cause loss of unsincability. For destroyers 7-2-2=3 sections need to stay alive. Its 3/7= 42%.When ship become bigger this percent become higher - 10-2-2=6 or 6/10= 60%.
3rd - Decreasing hull section HP. Minus average 20-25%.It.s very big nerf.

But positive changes make me happier. Kinetic penetration and hydro shock for torpedoes.Its an important changes for fleet damage system.

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While it is true that some weaker battleships, maybe even cruisers will stand a chance against Scharnhorst, don’t forget that also makes it even easier for Scharnhorst to kill them, because this system greatly favours ships with rapid firing guns and guess which battleship has the fastest reload in game? The problem of Scharnhorst is due to various issues like BR compression and DM design and for the sake of making it “killable” while completely messing up the balance in between other ships is not a reasonable move at best.

A side note, with the old system there are still ships like Hood, Mutsu, Amagi etc that can stand toe to toe against Scharnhorst quite effectively. With the new system, all of the above ship is going to be sunk by Scharnhorst in no time. Do you really think this improves the situation?


Upping the BR does nothing, when the turtleback cannot be penetrated by Yamato.

We need a new system if it is to ever be resolved.

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And before two updates the Scharnhorst magazine was exploded. It was Gaijin who removed it
This can be solved by making the shell fragments stronger, but they are adding a horrible mechanism


That was a bug, where shrapnel phased through infinite amount of armor.

Allowing for that makes ships like Dunkerque unplayable.

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I would far rather they just reduced the scharnhorsts amour so it acts like it should within the limits of the game engine than ruin the entire game mode.


Dunkerque is already unplayable, with or without that. Because the shell room mechanic
I think, Scharnhorst has no solution other than fragment damage. For example, it wasn’t a good battleship in the SAP era

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I’m not saying that the current iteration is perfect.

I’m saying that the direction where ship buoyancy and structural integrity have a better simulation than they do under the old system is, overall, correct.

could work with complex ship bulkhead since imagine your ship have 20 bulkhead but the game have like 6 section that’s totatlly unrealist sinking ship from spam he upper deck is also dumb you also have to take in account in ship section like corridor etc that the crew will seal to prevent flood spread wich is also realist wich coul make the ship tilt but still not sink ship 3d model should be reworked entirely to be realist including room corridor and bulkhead and thus ship will become realist