Because I’m all nation grinder, and I have to grind every other capital ship except Von der Tann with Scharnhorst since it’s introduction.
Plus, it’s OPness makes it most easiest way to grind event, so I do so.
I’m not talking Scharnhorst is damn OP. It is, at least for two years since SAP/HE nerf, and especially severe for one year when Gaijin mess up will shell drag, making almost every naval shell’s penetration higher than it should be since June 2024.
And what ‘nothing historical’? It is mostly working as what intended in real life.
First, turtleback. Kriegsmairne’s goal of making Scharnhorst and Bismarck’s armor is to perfrom as 500+mm single plate armor in 15 km, and becoming better as it gets closer.
Many saids about ‘overmatch before ricochet’, but its not realistic at all. Steel plate at ricochet angle, even if it is not armor plate, still could ricochet round. There are quite famous video showing Lada sedan ricochet russian 152 mm HE round due to absolute-ricochet angle. 73 degree is not ‘unrealistic’ angle to ricochet old style APCBC when 82 degree of steel can ricochet modern APFSDS which is specially design to pen angled armor. Plus, even calculating overmatch before ricochet angle, Scharnhorst’s turtleback is 105 mm, which makes shells caliber to be bigger than 735 mm to overmatch.
Also note out that war thunder’s shell falling angle is higher about two times compared to real life, thanks to dagor engine which cannot represent accurate shell velocity/penetration/ballistic at same time. Current shells in naval is actually getting benefit against citadel in game.
Unrepairable part is nonsense as it will harm other ships more than Scharnhorst.
For buoyancy part, yes I know Kriegsmarine ships shit in buoyancy but many other nations too. And also, while Gaijin showing full of dissapointing move when implementing new mechanism on naval, I never assume such new ‘buoyancy’ mechanism will improve game if developed by Gaijin’s developer.
Make Scharnhorst’s BR as higher as possible with proper decompression is the only stable answer we could expect for healthy game. While everyone saids about tankiness of Scharnhorst, they do ignore about it’s firepower.
3.5 rpm of rapid reload with decent 440 mm penetration at 10 km is what making Scharnhorst beast. As Rodney and other british battleships shows, tanky ship without firepower does not show such OPness as Scharnhorst. Scharnhorst is OP because it can do everything, not only because it is super tanky.
And considering Scharnhorst’s firepower’s strength is mostly against cruisers and 6.3 dreadnoughts, Isolating it from meeting such ships will greatly reduce the effectiveness of Scharnhorst. Plus, reverting her penetration to 380 mm at 10 km as before Jun 2024.