bruh thats ballls
either 90% chance of it getting event, or 10% tech tree. Wont probably end up as premium but who knows, we have T-35 and 2Cbis already, so…
If the Char 2C and the ARL-44 had a child.
I was thinking of the SA35, didn’t realize it was the SA37 found on the 37L like the other person mentioned. With that in mind, I’d say 3.3-3.7 max, because at 4.0-4.3 with 100mm of unangled armor on the turrets and sides, it will be straight unplayable in an uptier where everything is using guns with upwards of 150-200mm of pen.
maybe you’re actually right, as 3.7 can be only uptiered to meet stuff like tank destroyers, while it would retain its heavy role (only defeatable through weakspots frontally by normal tanks. Panzer4s would still manage to fight it no problem though)
Yes, and we also have to keep in mind that it’s insanely big and slow (which means it’ll be a generally easier target to kill in uptiers + a CAS magnet). So i also think 3.7 is the best BR for it.
yeah, perhaps 3.7 is right. As long as we do not have AP munition for 90mm found, it should stay there (say, TOG2 got massively uptiered due to its powerful gun, despite being cardboard and slow, too)
Gaijin i beg you to add it to the game, 3.7 to 4.3 is a good br for it. +1
French tog 2, I’m for it.
make a suggestuion for it plus one
it was THAT long? the mock up doesn’t reveal it at all. Btw, since it is ARL project, I think it’s real name is Char maximum (you can see it in sources)
+1, another Superheavy
honestly im doing additional researches with my team right now, and if incendiary shell is like 37mm French incendiary one… It’s actually gonna be able to fight Tigers. Incendiary is literally AP in the game, just with chemicals to ignite planes. Against tanks it would function like AP. But I am searching for proofs of it’s existence right now
Though some incendiary ammo is function just like HE, and there is no visual difference between AP or HE incendiary, they are literally same type. Makes it difficult to determine whether FCM F1 could use solid incendiary shot, or explosive one…
it shall be known as the FROG
But France is getting a lot of mass produced vehicle as event (like two EBR and two MB 150) so lets have some meme vehicles in the tech tree :)
For real, give us tanks for the tech tree instead of events or premiums.
France isn’t Russia, you’ll settle for event vehicles and you’ll like it. Runs for cover