Fair Play: November 2024

Lock mav at enemy AA, that is sitting in respaw, and fire it.

Mav TK an A-10 that decides to pass fly low at enemy respaw to kill other enemy AA at the same time my mav is reaching there, how im supose to prevent this?

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Awesome start, definitely think gaijin should do a post because let’s be honest this information is probably buried, it makes sense to make players aware after what seems to be the first in a large published ban wave for team killing. Thanks for this info regardless.

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Hi, I am a sim type player, I play air modes as well as ground modes. I happen teamkills and often, be it on low era bombs or captured machines in the air, sometimes also on top tiers the radar will mislead me. In 10 years of playing this game I have had maybe a few situations where I purposely destroyed a teammate’s machine, but there was always a reason (he was trying to destroy another teammate or he did it). The situations mentioned above I have had several. I feel a bit cheated because of the 2 week ban…


is there any way my 1 week ban could be reduced? 2 of my friends also got banned but for much less time, and they did the same things as me, i woulds understand 1 or 3 days but 1 whole week i fell like is a bit overkill for team killng 2 or 3 people 1 day ago without any warning ( i said sorry btw)

I have a suggestion, if it is not already implemented: When an accidental team kill happens, IF the player who got killed clicks the “I accept apology for team kill”, I think that accidental team kill should not count against the player who caused the team kill. Sometimes in GRB, I do NOT mind being bombed into oblivion on the ground IF it helps win the match. And especially if I told them directly in chat to just bomb the capture point etc even though I know it might kill me.

Yes, intentional or sloppy TK’ing should be punished, however, I think clicking the “I accept apology for team kill” response should negate all negative consequences for the TK’er.


Well, this part shows that TK ban was very well aimed.


Would be nice if we got indicators for the AI teammates too in Sim. I feel like that’s not something I’ve ever noticed them have, unlike friendly planes (when you get close enough ofc).

You did more then them if your ban time is longer.


Sorry mate, but that’s not true.

How often have people fired a AIM-9L at an enemy and it ends up hitting a friendly because the enemy flared, the missile went past and aquired a new target in blue?

Same for the radar guided missiles, I had AIM-7F miss the enemy and hit a friendly and the same is true for AIM-120s.

If you count that as Teamkilling, then you’ll either not see people play Air RB anymore or eventually run out of players.


Just type oops in chat… You’ll be fine lol

What about all the Youtubers using Napalme to launch tanks into the sky. Isnt that exploiting a game bug?

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i promise you i didnt, and if i did it was beacause i got rammed and wanted to get back on them, 1 week is still a bit overkill, i hope you understand my frustration

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I hope that you understand that there is no justification for such behaviour?


Man… Worst lawyer ever…

For those kills I made specifically a few months ago or for those that were not specifically in the last week?
Could you elaborate on this? Are you punishing me for these 3-4 teamkills in 10 years of playing? Or for those teamkills that were random because the game mode I play allows them, where on other modes teamkills are disabled.?

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No point in suffering a suspension because you lose your cool and decide to get back at others, next time just report them and call it a day.


It’s all available within the rules every player agrees to when creating their account. I highly recommend anyone who sees this post (that find themselves realizing they might have forgotten what is written in there) to refresh their memory. Here is the general rules, note that there is a button at the top to take you back to all the documents that players have agreed to.


I actually don´t feel like even playing WT tonight to be honest. This just doesn´t sit right with me.


i told you my friends did the same and didnt get banned for as long as i did, so clearly there is something wrong

Again what about Youtubers exploiting the game bug with napalme? Did any of them get a ban or suspension? That is a clear game exploit of a bug