Fair Play: March 2024

EAC wasn’t abused. Air RB doesn’t use/require EAC.

It’s possible, but looking at the subreddit, I did notice a few other Xbox players also reported server issues, personally the game was fine connection wise for me while I was playing in a custom with some friends.

I’m just in a better late than never mindset on this and am happy they have been keeping up with smacking them down as they come rather then being a one time thing.
I occasionally notice a burst of them showing up in matches and then a week later they all vanish which that and this list shows they have been keeping going.

Do with they would have categories separating the types of bans as it’s very hard for me to sort through the list as the names quite blend together but sides from that there’s much in that list for me to be happy about

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I do think you do not fully understand what they provided you in the response on the ticket.

In-game overlay it is not modifying your War Thunder Client, it just overlays like an ENB does for Skyrim for example. The team member that responded to you stated that your client (war thunder installation) was modified, and not with skins or sounds changes to the existing sounds.

But I do love that when ever there is a ban wave, there are always people with “I have been banned wrongly!”


i believe that the Easy Anti cheat needs an update… cause has almost 2 years to get one! and may people get some problems.

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player use cheat > got banned > player buy/ create account again > top up > use cheat> got banned again repeat…

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Where was this stated?
we don’t really know for sure yet right?
we can assume and state probabilities but nothing definitive yet.

EAC not being required/used for air RB is a known fact.

that does not exclude it from being a way to abuse the game and/or other users clients though.
if there is a way to use EAC as a backdoor into the client it does not matter if it is running on the hackers end or not.

Edit: i want to clarify that i don’t personally believe that this is the case. i just don’t like the use of absolutes when we actually don’t know yet.

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Prove that all players playing air RB were using EAC. Which means you have to prove the now banned player was when they wouldn’t because of their scripts.
If there was an EAC back door it would be occurring by the person that did Apex Legends on all EAC games.

Excellent work!

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I am a steam user, but I heard that if you start the game through the launcher, you can play arcade mode directly without starting the eac.

Why is this!!!

Why not let ab mode be forced to start eac like rb mode. The current ab mode environment is really terrible. Please save ab mode.


Good job gaijin

what does that have to do with this?

this does not make sense:

  1. if EAC can be bypassed it can be bypassed. its not completely impossible for EAC to faulter or have flaws, just like any other software.
  2. using “scripts” does not automatically trigger EAC, it depends on what files are modified or accessed by the third party software. the hackers own EAC does not trigger if he uses scripts for other things (like backdooring other players EAC or similar).
  3. the hackers own EAC could have been disabled but the affected players could have had theirs on.
  4. not all players were kicked automatically, many of them were killed so not all players would need their EAC on wor it to have been possible to do it that way.

that’s a deductive fallacy.
one instance of hacking does not hinder another from being done in a different way. The apex legends incident may not have stemmed from an EAC vulnerability, but that does not mean that there cant be one.

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We know Apex was Apex related.
Just as we know this one is War Thunder related.
EAC isn’t related.

AB does not require EAC. RB requires.

you don’t know that yet though, you can assume and you are most likely right.
BUT there is no way for you to know with 100% certainty, its literally impossible unless you have behind the scenes insight or Gaijin themselves states as such.

and the next time my friend was banned because he is good and others report him out of frustration

Only ground RB and naval RB require EAC.
Air modes don’t have it.

Good to hear ! I may have a chance not to loose next 10 games.