All the “I was banned” threads that appear after these posts is glorious
a lot of them are migrated to pc
hack means using banned software on the console
thanks man I was lost without you
yes there is you have to attach a computer to the console to mess with files probably though kind of how you can plug a phone into a computer to save photos or something(I’dk I’ve never done anything like that I’m just guessing)
More like six weeks.
RIP TaHKu (#7 SQB squadron), btw: 13 bans in the same week.
How do you know they were not cheating at some point, comrade? Do you sit next to all of your friends every single time they play WarThunder? Or maybe they gave you their word that they did not cheat?
Current DarkThunder platform split (all bans since Nov/23):
PC: 49,909
PS: 625
XBox: 826
Or another way to put it, they’re averaging about 150 bans a day this year, of which ~4 per day are console players.
Real and True, my man. Pass the popcorn, would you?
but an account created on a console can be used on a PC. Just because it’s listed as “console” doesn’t mean the person playing on it isn’t using a computer at the moment
yes I know
Is there any news on if the consequences for people breaking chat TOS will gain more permanent negative action against their accounts? There are many instances of people talking in all chat exclaiming they had been chat banned for months, and then proceed to use extreme language. Those being sexist, homophobic and racial slurs/hate speech that are a horrible stain on our friendly war thunder community.
One can hope that all the reports we do have people using racial slurs and such in chat are seen and those responsible are dealt with, but there is still a large prevelance of it in our communities battle chats or customs.
yes there is? TOS hinders details but it very much is possible. do you know what sideloading and jailbreaking is?
I wonder how you came to the conclusion that it would be impossible to install programs on a console.
See my updated comment (hardware cheats) above.
The main difference between a pc cheat and a console cheat is the money, effort and time you have invest on console cheats. So whilst it is rather easy to add forbidden software via pc, the effort to do this on a console is rather high.
IRL experiences
I hunted down all kind of cheaters, especially in SWBF 2015 on xbox and invested some time in researching all existing cheats, how they work, where they were sold and how to counter them. Really effective cheats were traded with ~500$ in 2017-19 - outside of any “official” cheat software sites.
This game became especially on NA (US West/East) servers a nightmare for regular players. So instead of playing the game you were forced to disrupt enemy cheaters from ruining the match.
As most of them used multiple cheats at the same time their scripts generated so heavy input lags on you side that you could not reliably kill them even from 50 meters. Using a sniper rifle and snipe the hell out of them from very long ranges was one of the most satisfying things you could do.
As written above: Neither MS or EA gave a s*it about cheaters, so iam rather happy that gaijin is doing something.
Or another way to put it, they’re averaging about 150 bans a day this year, of which ~4 per day are console players.
Just your usual approach trying to look smarter than you actually are - you just listed the origin (where was the account created) and not the platform those players were using when they got caught.
So your conclusion:
of which ~4 per day are console players.
is nothing more than a fact free opinion.
Could you please explain why the two-step authentication via e-mail isn’t enabled by default, after registering the game account?
Probably the same reason most services coded prior to 2 factor don’t: 2 factor wasn’t a thing when the account structure was first created.
Ahhh, no wonder there’s a surge of posts about being ‘banned for no reason’.

you also need to hack the internet since the game is multiplayer
You don’t need to hack anything since all of the game telemetry comes in from a standard port and is unencrypted. All you have to do is read it and have a basic understanding of programming.
The source code for creating cheats is on Github.
See my updated comment (hardware cheats) above.
The main difference between a pc cheat and a console cheat is the money, effort and time you have invest on console cheats. So whilst it is rather easy to add forbidden software via pc, the effort to do this on a console is rather high.
Oh absolutely but there is still a possibility to use software the same way as with PC. it would take way more effort to make work as you say, but still possible in contrast with your previous statement.
and honestly, most hackers would probably just see the difficulty as a fun challenge more than a hinderance.
Unfortunately, its just going to create another new crop of “new players” who have outstandingly good K/Ds…
Nuh uh, you have to hack their mainframe.