"Failed to load player profile"

My game isn’t even letting me get in… Help?

Edit: I’m assuming this is a typical gaijin server problem… I believe people who signed in before the issues started are fine, but entry is messed up somehow


Same I’m on Xbox and all it says is failed to load player profile connection error 81110013

Same here - also Enlisted servers are down - same machines?

same, bug?

Are all of you on Xbox also?

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same here

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yes, playing on mac but xbox account

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yes you give free plane server down same here on PC

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server hamster probably died from exhaustion

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PC here

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Well at least I know it’s not Xbox and it’s WT server issues not any better but might be faster to try and fix it

Ah, so it’s the same with everyone. I guess it’s the servers then.

i believe it is server wide i know like 10 people who are having the same issue

i simply love how i have some time to play fuck this i go play stalker 2
Hope they will fix it soon

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well I’m glad its not my account


Same here on PS5

Also me too on Xbox Live 🫤😠🐌

Same error, left a game. Went to change my daily task, got “Internal error”
Reset the game, now I have this issue.

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im having same issue was just in a game but can no longer connect to servers

RIP hampter you will be missed

I guess my Mig-29 grind stops for a moment.

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