F4D-1 could carry Zunis. Should I make a missing loadout (bug) report?

I saw this image on Not A Pound For Air To Ground’s video “THE BATTLE OF PALMDALE: A Remarkable Dogfighting Debacle That Exposed US Technological Folly” when he was talking about the A-4 that hit a MiG-17F with a Zuni when he didn’t have time to switch to guns. Now from every visual que I get from the picture this is in fact an F4D-1 carrying Zunis. I also have seen that it was able to carry 2x 1000lbs/2000lbs bombs which I would also like to see, however I have no visual evidence of such.
As you can see in this image I used to double check, it has the distinct Skyray cockpit glass.
I am wondering if anyone would be interested in seeing the F4D-1 at least get Zunis if not all of it’s missing load outs i.e. (Zunis, Fuel tanks, 2x 1000lbs/2000lbs bombs).


A more full image. (Biggest and most original one I could find).
Note: It says they can be single or multiple launch. This would be a massive capability jump for the F4D-1 or any aircraft.
I know the T-2 can single fire it’s Zunis but it lacks a CCIP or anything.


If you can than please by all means report both the bombs and rockets, I love this aircraft in-game haha. Would also love to see someone report its inability to reach Mach 1 in game in level flight as I read it was capable of accomplishing, and I’m pretty sure that aircraft with a phantom engine isn’t going to reach its max speed “at sea level” as it says in the stat card, but would love to hear if I’m wrong haha.


The Skyray (and most afterburning jets at 9.0) can in fact reach mach in level flight. You just need to be 8km+ in altitude, which realistically never happens.

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Yes. At altitude is where the air is thinner, thus less drag and more speed.

I mean, yeah? Kinda obvious

I’ve gone up there in the skyway, it’s never been able to do it. In fact when I went to 5KM, it had a slower top speed than at sea level… maybe it changed since the last time I played it but I doubt it.

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ya they’ve fiddled with the flight model over the past 4-6 months without telling anyone, but it is possible, just very annoying to accomplish


If it is indeed capable of reaching Mach in level flight now (and not in a descent) could you pleeease grab a screenshot or video of it?

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I shall check right now.

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So take this with a slight grain of salt. 10km in altitude, 0 ordanance, extremely low fuel, nose pointed level but effectively flying at like a -1 degree angle, but it holds it. I held that for about a minute, and only lost about 7~ kph of speed dropping to mach .99, but effectively mach 1.

So like I said, possible but needs EXTREMELY specific conditions.


Hey, close enough for me haha. Thanks for taking time of your day to do that for me man, appreciate it!


At sea level it tops out at 0.94. At 3000m it tops out at 0.95. At 6000m it tops out at 0.96. At 9000m it tops out at 0.99. And even 12,000m it still hits 0.99. It’s just not strong enough. I will try 15,000. Still 0.98 - 0.99. You do need a very very slight dive to get 1.00+ It just can’t do it.

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Did they ever fix the combat flaps for this thing yet?

You can make a report, but just like my own for the F-105 & F-100 to get access to 5" rockets it might take a while, though could always use more eyes on it, and attracting greater attention via the “I have the Same issue button”, since those seem to become high priorities .




Damn man, they still haven’t done anything while it’s been a year…

Everyone here should go and help with your reports. I’ll make mine right now.

Yeah its combat flaps are now the tail things

They always have been the tail thingys?

Community Bug Reporting System Bug report is made on the Zunis.