F4D-1 armed with XAAM-N-3 radar missiles

In 1957, the F4D-1 was experimented on with radar missiles. Many Warthunder players have claimed it was the Aim-7C (as seen on the F3H) however the Aim-7C was designated the Sparrow III, and as you can see from the images in the spoiler, it was the Sparrow II which would make it the Aim-7B. More specifically, it was the experimental XAAM-N-3.


Screenshot from 2024-12-23 20-35-54


Seeing early SAHR missiles is fascinating. I would love to see more of these types of missiles in game. Just out of curiosity, did you make suggestion or bug report?

The Sparrow II was actually an ARH. The page about “description” and “weights” states

"The Sparrow II having an active seeker system is independent of the launch aircraft control and guidance thereby materially increasing the survival probability of the F4D against enemy defense by reason that it can initiate evasive action once the missile is launched.

Although taken into account that it was a 5-inch radar dish with 1950s batteries, I doubt it’d having any significant range.

I made a bug report, and the moderator said that bc the F4D-1 used for the testing was modified, I have to make a suggestion instead. I made one and it’s currently pending.