F14B broken matchmaking

Completely ok with the BR 13.0
But, it’s cons-tan-tly (at least in my case) full uptiered.

It’s so constant that I just started to stop playing those games (first time I do that kind of thing to be honest), and launching one with F14A instead. Waiting for at least a 12.7 - 13.7 game, which seem to never come.

They should really do something for this broken matchmaking.


happens with 13.0 its compression

the f14 is not an easy balance unless we get a decompression

or they could buff the aim54c and give it 9ms and leave it where it is


let’s not forget the AIM-7P, that too.


It is VERY easy to balance. I don’t see them having a problem having MLDs facing 10,7s here and years. I also don’t see them having a problem with 9L missiles against flareless chickens , Harriers with AIm-9Gs facing 8,7s , MiG 23M/MF can face 10.0s …i can name many crap here that they have HUGE balance issues.
Tomcats in general it’s not one of them.
They can literally give them AIM-9Ms, AIM-7P , give the actual stats of AIM-54s , give them AIM-54C/ECCM (sealed) with a better overall performance …
They have options. They take none of the options.


Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like Gaijin wants to make the F-14s perform how they should IRL. However, I think the Aim-9M, Aim-7P, and Aim-54C+ ECCM are being made for the F-14D only. But the Aim-54s need to be buffed I agree 100%.

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the b models aim7p as far as i rember and carried aim9ms to and the aim54c standard models in under performing f14ds big advantage was its upgraded aim54E which is eccm sealed harder to notch and chaff aim 54 is supposed to perform like fakours but gaijin doesnt want there walllet warriors to get mad

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Oh I agree 100%, I was talking about how Gaijin is artificially making those upgrades specific to the D model.

oh okay makes sense

I think they will give all of those upgrade to D and add it as a premium pack

I really hope not, but if they give it Aim-120s (even 8-10 or them) I don’t really care. However, when I obtain the F-14D will be the end of the road for me. Yall can continue grinding. I’m staying with the Tomcat.