F104 is going through very serious problems

I don’t know about F-104S.ASA because I have never played it before but, G model is fine at its BR except ROCAF one.

Maybe S model can go lower BR but, there are some undertiered jets in 12.3BR such as F-14A and M2K.

I have no idea what you’re talking about

are you schizophrenic or a liar?

when it was reduced?

I wish there was an option to block someone on this forum, just so I don’t have to interact with this kind of thing.

you tire me… jesus

You can go to the player’s profile and change “normal” to “muted” or “ignored”.


the asa situation is even more laughable when you consider its rwr, you cant notvh or prepare to become defensive when you dont know whats going on lmao. the thing cant even fight against threats with pd due to this as its incredibly hard to notch with its rwr as it is. I dont know if they changed it recently but it cant detect direction so its basically usless.


I assume they mean that it was unchanged during the recent decompression, so it doesn’t face as good of enemies.

However, I don’t know if it did change or not.

Ah yes, insults.
It was reduced from a potential 11.7 to 11.3 when the decompression happened. It use to see F-14Bs, now it can’t.
All you’re doing is proving the world right.

But that does not mean it moved down. It moved down relative to other vehicles, but saying it moved down is wrong. Please clarify what you mean when you say something that isn’t true without an explanation.

They are encouraging people to block you because you said something incorrect.


Friend, It still sees F-14As (IRIAF included). As fighter or interceptor the ASA and S both are insufficient/ineffective at their current BRs. Although 11.3 is better than 11.7 this does not make up for the issue of it being higher than it should be, were it similar to the ◊MIG-23MF I could understand the 11.3 BR.


If it was incorrect then F-104S would be 11.7 right now.

Mig-23MF has equivalent weaponry, a bit slower, and a bit better at dogfight… oh and far less flares.

You saying that it changed in BR is factually incorrect. It did not move, but it faces different planes now. Do not say that it moved in BR, when everything around it moved instead.

Saying stuff like that just causes needless confusion and arguments.


Comparable, yes Kind of. Unfortunately for the F-104S (TAF included) the payload of the Starfighter is much more restrictive in what can be brought out. With the MIG I can run 4 R-60MKs with R-23T/R and a 23mm, So very good at interdiction of other aircraft in RB and Sim. The MIG also seems to have MTI which greatly aid its Fox-1 delivery rate. The F-104S on the other hand restricts the choice of the gun with the computing equipment for the Sparrows which is in my opinion not worth while to do. This leaves one with a rear/ top aspect line up of 6 Aim-9Ps and a 20mm that may struggle to capitalize on it speed to out position other aircraft.

In short with current Starfighter performance, the aircraft does not compete at a level comparable to its peers.


Too bad ASA has some cool camoflages but, It is almost impossible to grind it in the current ARB meta :/


Ehmm…What? If person doesn’t want to see someone’s message for whatever reason it’s absolutely normal to use forum instruments to avoid futher encounters.
Feel free to put me into “ignored” if you need.

As for the topic, well, I’ve always loved F-104s, though imao it’s never been OP as you say. It was good and comparable to other top tier after with a help of @Smin1080p_WT we managed to get AIM-9J to F-104S and later also flares (that was like a lifebuoy for Italian TT at the time), then it became obsolete with the addition of F-14s and F-16s, but I agree that decompression helped it now it’s way better. Can’t say if it should go lower or not, actuallly currently spading Hungarian Su-22M3 and MiG-21bis, I feel like F-104S is in a good spot. I would exchange R-60Ms to AIM-9J any day, even despite they are all-aspect.
Although now I have an unpopular opinion on Italian F-104S (as well as F-104G), I would like AIM-9J to be removed as Italy didn’t use those with exchange for lower BR, while Turkish one can still have their AIM-9P (as they had them and even used them on their Starfighters irl).
F-104S-ASA can get lower BR imo, it shouldn’t sit at the same BR as Tornado ADV.


Nah, I’ve ignored a total of zero accounts as that reduces information flow.

I got F-104S close to its release when it was 10.7 and only facing F-14As maximum, and quickly collected aces.
And when compared to other 10.7s it was the best having 6x 9Js on a platform that could climb as well as an F-16… just not able to turn.
The 0.7 BR decompression allowed it to move up by only 0.3 along with other 11.0s, a reduction of its BR by 0.3 in relation to everything else that moved up by 0.7.

Tornado ADV is under-BR’d at this point. Obviously we know F-14B and the other 12.7s are pushing the BRs of under-BR’d aircraft below them down. The fact F-14B is only 0.3 away from the vastly inferior F-14A is hilarious.

Thank you man
God bless u


F104S being 11.3 together with the mig21bis, given that the mig21 has better missiles and infinitely better flight performance than the f104s, this is a crime, this plane should be 11.0 even more so now.
Only the f104A/C were problematic because they are underBR for facing subsonic jets.
Now the other F104s were never op, they were planes with different and fun gameplay.
If the br changes didn’t affect the j7 D/E, why do they affect the f104S?
It doesn’t make any sense
Whoever has the opportunity, play with the F104, to feel how bad the plane is, especially the S model onwards.


U were talking about aces and stuff and according to the stats u just have 2.0 KD ratio. I also had 2.0 KD ratio on F104S (not TAF), then I got many unlucky matches and got 1.75 and what can I say… This. Was. PAIN. In some matches it’s an ace, another time it’s Matra Magic from nowhere, and flares won’t help u.
Well, I guess that’s why I chose this plane – a challenge. But come on F104S has 6 very mediocre-useless rockets: easily flarable, u need to use deflection cuz the rocket doesn’t turn well at at when launching (and this is a problem, right? F104 was stuggling with basic maneuvers as well before the nerf). Of course no radar rockets cuz radar is a complete crap
F104 ASA is even a bigger joke with mediocre Aim 9L rockets imo(at 12.0), useless Apide cuz the radar is still rap AND U FIGHT F15, F16… Right…
Now, some1 would mention that RWR doesn’t show direction… Come on guys, that wouldn’t help this plane cuz F104 was unable to notch even before the nerf. Like, if MiG 23 shoots R24R headon in 6 kms, u can already eject.
As one would say, a regular MiG 23 player can make many mistakes and still rock, while a “oppressed” Italian F104 fighter sometimes can’t be allowed to make a minor mistake – u found urself in front of F4S, MiG 23, MiG 21 Bizon in 6 kms? It’s over. And maaaan, like… Mirages with unflarable Matra Magics? Noice.
AND NOW, the nerf is so bad that in American early F104 suck ass. At first I got 4.0 KD (first 20 kills) somehow on F104C when I was constantly downtiered, but then I lost everything after A-5 shooting me with Matra Magics, different planes boomzooming and shooting me with something better than AIM 9B, or Harriers that can shoot u from 2 km with AIM 9G.
The flight model nerf is massive. It couldn’t turn before, now it’s over. Acceleration is worse in practice cuz slightest movements bleed energy, making 90-180 degrees turns put u below 900 km/h, iirc shooting M61 feels even more wobbly.
No sorry, it’s over for the time being, dead planes.

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Yes, my KDR dropped to 2.0 after it went to 1 BR below F-14B, which meant it was largely balanced there.
So it’s balanced again due to the reduction in BR from the decompression.

Calling 9Ls average is hilarious.
Flight model nerf changes nothing really. It went from boom & zoom to boom & zoom.
F-104S is one of the best 11.3s in the game.

heres my take after getting the f104s just recently. The thing is facing f14s and f4s basically every game due to the brackets causing it to constantly have to be on the deck. It get 6 9js facing jets with just as many radar missiles let alone ir missiles. Its rwr is sub par (the one on the asa at 12.0 doesnt even tell you direction) and its radar can barely lock anything. This thing cannot and should not face jets with pd radars every game, so either move it down to 11.0 where it can only see 4 jets with pd at most or increase the br gap between them by increasing the br cap.

The asa just needs a massive buff, and ecm pod would do wonders for it. The thing has 4 9ls on an airframe that could be at 10.0, it should be 11.3 in order for it not to face too many jets without flares.