Cool, but Just curious why?
I don’t think so, because that’s where the Typhoon will go. If Germany gets an F-18 it’ll be Swiss or Spanish, which would probably be its own line. Otherwise if just the F-18 is added without a proper subtree it’d almost certainly be after the MiG-29G because there is no other vehicles that logically follow it, save the very skeptical Su-27S.
A Kuwaiti F/A-18C would make for a good Premium, Event or Squadron vehicle for the US.
Big engine C model but no Fox 3s.
(at least that’s what I found)
And with today’s announcement that the SU-33 is a Squadron Vehicle I think it would be perfect.
They should add a f-18 that is a squadron vehicle like the YF-17 and add F-18’s in the tech tree
And they should add the early F-18’s and then as the game updates they add new f-18’s
The F/A-18 is named that way because it’s both a fighter and a strike aircraft, so it belongs in both lines.
I feel like a good solution would be to put the twin seater (such as the F/A-18B) under the strike line branching from AV-8B+, and the single seater (like the F/A-18A) under the navy fighter line branching from F-14B.
After all twin seaters are preferred for strike missions and single seaters for air superiority…
The thing that kinda bugs me/leaves me with more questions than answers is that both the USMC and USN sort of had weapons that were more branch-specific on their Hornets, both single and dual-seat.
Would Gaijin add them in with just the weapons from a specific branch, or would they add all the weapons they operationally carried?
Maybe give the f-14 branch fa18 navy weapons and the av8b branch fa18 marines weapons? Idk, could work maybe
That could work
I’m more keen on them just giving the Hornets weaponry from both branches, as well as some GE/researchable camos representing both branches
Unfortunately it seems unlikely at the moment, given that the developers have said they are not considering ARM for now.
Personally, I suppose F/A-18D (Early) from desert storm BR 12.7 and to early rank 8 before AV-8B+
But F/A-18B it might event vehicle because engine targeting pod and armaments like F/A-18A and F/A-18C/D Early in gulf war
F/A-18D Late BR to 14.3 minimum, equipped Litening AT targeting pod
F/A-18D armament, my guess.
- AIM-9M-8
- AIM-9X (Blk 1)
- AIM-7P (Blk 2)
- AIM-120C-4
- AIM-120C-5
- AIM-120C-7
- AGM-65E & AGM-65F
- GBU-31(V)2/B
- GBU-32(V)2/B
- GBU-38(V)2/B
- GBU-54(V)2/B
- GBU-10, GBU-12 & GBU-16 Paveway II
- GBU-24E/B Paveway III
- AGM-154A & AGM-154C JSOW
- ADM-141D
- AGM-84M Harpoon
F/A-18A+ or F/A-18A++ after F-14B and F-14D
hornet before the av8b+? idk how to feel about that… maybe, but I’d rather do this:
F-14B (13.0) → F/A-18C (13.3 or 13.7) → F/A-18E (14.0)
AV-8B+ (13.0) → F/A-18D (13.3 or 13.7) → F/A-18F (14.0)
Idk if that’s right, that’s just how I feel about it
They Super Hornets should come after the F-14’s but the Legacy Hornets should come after the AV-8B+ since the Legacy Hornets replaced the US Navy attack aircraft like the A-7’s which are in that line.
The Super Hornet, while also serving alongside the F-14, was to be the replacement for them.
It could always be done where the F/A-18C and F/A-18E come after the F-14B, with the F/A-18D (USMC) and F/A-18F coming after the AV-8B+
It could be, unless Gaijin folders the D with the C and the F with the E. To me that would make more sense given that the two-seat versions fill the same role pretty much and won’t be that much different. But that is if Gaijin will folder them given that we rarely see vehicles get foldered without a lot of people complaining.
Yeah, fair enough
All I can do at this point is hold out hope for a squadron F/A-18A early, since it’s not likely gonna be added to the Tech Tree :(
Yea honestly I was expecting to see the A come with the Su-33 as squadron vehicles. It would have paired nicely with it. But honestly now I can see it being added as a premium more and more.