I would love to see the Australian F/A-18A/B in the game
Can someone report wrong CM amount on F/A-18C late? On dev stream it was 60, but IRL and at 3D model ingame it has 4 dispenser, not 2 like old models.
It’s also in the suggestion for the F/A-18C.
We should also get BOL pods for it as well.
Already reported.
The ALE-37A/A Pod is also an option which is in game on the AV-8A, and holds 120 x2 Countermeasures per loaded station.
How many of them F/A-18 can take? And also, which versions can?
It still agitates me that the AV-8C never got this pod :(
But it’s not a premium. and there is also the GAU-12 gun pod.
Yeah, but it would’ve been nice to have. Before the AV-8A was removed from sale, the only reason to get the AV-8C over the AV-8A was the RWR.
This is getting a bit off topic (my fault) lol
Why no AGM-84 SLAM?
Need to report ARL-67(V)3
Has already been reported.
clearly thats only 60 CMs
Have anyone reported E-bracket on HUD?
Is the lack of AGM-84E on Hornet worth reporting?
fully upgraded engine stats (on the F-18C Fin but should be the same for the C late )
It would be worse KH-38MT for WT purposes? so it is worth a try
Slower, way slower. But still better than AGM-65…