F/A-18 Hornet: Announcement & Pre-order!

Underperform how? Its well known that US premiums underperform because they are bought, en masse, by newer players who have no idea what they are doing. Its pretty much never the planes fault. I suspect the C early will be no different

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I’m not a newer player. i have thousands of hours in top tier. Both US… RU… Sweden etc, Compared to the other premiums it under performs. I light up when i am fight 12/13 br and see an F4s. easy kill. Plus I own that premium too. I have most premiums and event/squad vehicles

Let the premium farming begin


i need a new toy to Farm Silver

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Theres gonna be a massive wave of newbies buying premiums and making top tier unplayable again.


its never unplayable. Get your kills and move on.

I dont play top tier, not anymore, im grinding russia now

Im only missing 1 jet from maxing the RU Jet tree. The SU-27sm. I like the Su-34

Yeah YOU do. But you do not represent the vast majority of premium users. Besides, you still havent explained how it underperforms. You havent even seen the jet fly outside of the trailer yet. How could you even claim that at this point

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I’ve just started researching the Su-9.

I think he is talking about the current ones.

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To me the F4s is a flying brick with a bad radar and even more terrible missiles. i get kills in it but not like i do with other premium jets. Like the mirage or the mig23

Ohh we are talking about the F4S!?

Well thats not the topic of the thread so I’ll leave it at that

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You responded to my current US premiums under performing comment


Yeah my mistake, thats why I am leaving it at this

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Damn, cya then.

You’re good bro. Easy mistake. I just don’t want the hornet to end up the same way

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Yeah, Id like the hornets to be at a BR where they are competitive too

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Probably like 12.0 or 13.0?

Will these four fa18s be fighters or attackers? This is important.