F-5C Flares need to be removed. It is FICTIONAL

Then they shouldn’t complain “A10 weak nerf su-25”, they should complain “A10 weak need survivability buff”. That’s what would be better.


I think a few do, i dont touch reddit but i remember seeing a post like that on the old forum not that long ago

Yea, they’re not, a quick search reveals that Turkey operates F-5As, which, given that F-5C was a provisional designation when given to units in Vietnam, should still hold up.

What annoys me is that pick and choose who to give unhistorical buffs to.

We all know the F-5C gets flares because it’s a premium that’s making them money. Same reason why the A-10 and A-6 can be as low as they are and sling aim-9Ls


Or why the Mig-23ML has a reduced SB BR compared to its RB BR. Which means its lower than even most Tornado IDSs


F5C used to be the toughest plane before Su25 and A10 came out.

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Until it gets up-tiered to 11.0… Gaijin isn’t going to do that to one of its premiums.

I know exactly why you want the F-5C to be dropped to 10.0, and it’s so you can dominate matches even more.
F-5C had the options for those flares, thus it got them.

Non-premium F-5As have their add-on flares as well.

It would be fine at 10.3 even without flares.

But that’s not the point.

The real issue is that we have plenty of vehicles in game that could potentially get some buffs but don’t because they aren’t “historical”

If you pick and choose when to be historical and when not to be it just looks like your picking favorites.


No one is picking & choosing, no one.
You will not find an instance where a vehicle lacks non-weaponry that they got IRL or could get IRL.
Every aircraft that can get countermeasures has them, as far as we know.

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Well… The Tornados have a fraction of what they should have. A lot are missing ECM. But for the most part you are correct. I think though the flares on the F5C could be widely debated and they could have gone either way. I think giving it CMs was a finacial decision. Without CMs they wouldnt have sold as many as they have?, its a common jet, widely used. Would it have been without those CMs? We’ll never know, but it certainly was a thought someone had.

Too late to fix now though, what we now need is BR decompression and then have the F5 move relatively speaking a little higher


Tornados have their accurate flare amount.
What they don’t have is accurate chaff amount, but that requires a fundamental change to how countermeasures work in WT, which will also allow us to fire chaff & flares separately.

Just wait patiently cause this stuff is in development.

ECM flat out isn’t in the game either.
BTW countermeasures are also on the Chinese F-5A & American F-5A, same ones.
Countermeasures actually came to the American F-5A first before the F-5C.

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Yes, yes they are. Just look at the F-104G for China and the F-104J, Neither get flares. The F-104S didn’t get its historical flares until the F-16s and Mig-29 came out. Meanwhile, the F-5C got a nice unhistorical buff right out of the gate.

It’s not just flares, they choose not to give weapons vehicles could use. Don’t sit here and say some vehicles get unhistorical buffs over others.

Just look how long it took for the G.91Y to get its historical load out.


Correction: Players provided proof of F-104S flares on the bug report website during the time of the F-16s being added.*

There are no fictional weapons on aircraft. None. Japan never operated flares on F-104. It was replaced by F-15 for interception.

So no, F-5A [C] flares are fine.

Ohhh you’re ignoring my post now. Cool.

The F-104J and G COULD use flares. The F-5C never used flares.

They gave flares to the F-104S even thought it was bug reported when the jet came out, which was over 3 years ago.

I’ve also heard the F-5C couldn’t use aim-9Es but I don’t know for sure.


F-5A/C was made to use IR missiles, just only two of them.
E improved that to 4 tho we only see 2 in-game currently.
Bug reports that have evidence get actioned on, regardless of aircraft.
F-104J cannot use countermeasures to anyone’s knowledge.

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Again, you’re ignoring my post. So I’m gonna stop reply, they pick and choose what vehicles to give some historical buffs or nerfs.

The F-5C is unhistorical, so they should do it for other aircraft as well.

Or undo all the unhistorical buff/nerfs.

Oh, and it seems they are approving bug reports without evidence nowadays. Just saw one with no proof, just someone saying “hey, this FW190 is climbing too quickly” and the snail approved it.


There’s no such thing as “unhistorical”. There are no historical game modes in WT.
And the loadout is accurate.

Oh cool, then can we get flares on all jets? Or missiles?

What point are you trying to make?