When is this absolutely broken vehicle is going to have it’s damage model fixed? As if it isn’t already undertiered with the F-5E being the most op 10.7 vehicle. Not to mention the F-5C that has made the whole 10.3 competely monotonous, also making 10.3 usa winrates rocket since it’s better than every other vehicle at this br (almost) and it only faces less capable missile slingers.
As of today the F-5s have the most broken damage model after the su-25 (Which atleast was made to be armored, unlike what should be a fragile light fighter)
Personally I don’t have a problem facing these in
A: Jaguar GR.1
B: Harrier GR.3
C: MiG-21S (R13-300)
and these are all 9.7 vehicles. I don’t see the problem
The F-4F has agile eagle so it can pull more AOA when required, has a higher top speed & acceleration, along with 4x 9Js & a Vulcan.
F-5E retains energy the best & can pull verticals easier, which makes it the best gunfighter to take down slower targets.
F-4F lets you make mistakes easily, and that can be punishing.