F-5 event help

My dad made it so my wifi turns off every day and I will have about 3.5-2.5 hours a day and I want to get the f-5 because it is my favourite plane does anyone know a strategy to get it done also in air rb also I am not good and I have the f-5c but I don’t main the us

Play air simulator battles and bomb bases and enemy airfields.

If you never played sim you are going to get clapped quite hard. A lot of noobies go to sim for these events because of the higher multiplier but also a lot of veteran sim players play to farm them.

Just pick a plane you do the best in and play normally. Higher the rank the better. Looking at what planes you played I would go for the F-5C. Don’t bother with bombing since a lot of planes that are faster than you will also be going for bases.

Bro is between a rock and a hard place rn. I would suggest using the plane you are best with. Try channeling your inner Hartmann. It’ll be tough man good luck/

War thunder is great but it isn’t worth stressing out your life for.

If you cant manage to get it done with the limited time it may be worth thinking about using ge for some stages.
If you can, do some chores or odd jobs in the time you would be grinding to get some money and use that for ge
I’ve been in your position before lol but realised too late that my time is of much greater value being spent on other things than grinding for the sake of grinding rather than having fun.

Grind for it if your enjoying it, but if after a few days your getting annoyed and not getting the tasks it may not be worth the stress.

This probably wasn’t the answer you were looking for but i am of the belief that is could be useful advice to some.


IMO your best bet might be to play Air AB.

From BR3 to about BR5 you can ground pound for over 3000 pts per game - which is 2700 after the .9 modifier.

In 5 hours you can get 15 games (3/hr) which will get you 90%+ of the way there - completely there if you have a few good 5000+ pt games. Have lineups for at least a couple of nations so you can avoid Air Domination games without worrying about crew lock.

In 7 hrs solid gaming you should get there easily.

I use this to get all the air events albeit I don’t have anyone limiting my time!

I tryed earlier today and got distroyed by spaa

Would the b239 (2.7) work

Your vehicle has to be Rank III or higher to earn points towards the event

If it helps my wifi turns off at 5:00 to 5:30 and it turns back on at 7:00-7:30 and turns off again at 9:00-9:30 and I get home at 3:50-4:00 except Thursday when I get home at 1:00 because idk why but school ends early on Thursday

Ok I might use my j-22b I’m pretty sure it is rank 3 if not the 6.7 jet for Sweden or the f-5

I will try to do some cores and I’m on Xbox so it is cheaper but let’s say my parents are giving me 5$ a chore it would take about 12 cores because I don’t use usd I use cad and the 10000 ge pack is 64 bucks also my parents don’t really pay me for doing chores but I also don’t do them every day

As others have noted you have to be Rank 3 - BUT - you only have to START the game with rank 3.

One of my best AB lineups for this is Sweden with the Rank 3 T18B (with 20mm cannon) - start with this.

Then add the Ju88 and B18A as bombers, plus J-22A, VL Myrsky II, B239 and Hurricane - this gives you BR 3.3, good bombers for lots of ground target kills or base bombing and pretty good fighters at this BR.

It is also useful to make good use of backups with the bombers if there’s lots of ground targets, and to mix in the occasional bit of base bombing with them if you are top BR - the T18B with 2 x 500kg bombs can climb to over 20k ft (6.5k m) and very few enemy will try to catch you - and if you do you can often kill them as they climb slowly! :)

I would use this for 2/3rds my games in these events I guess.

You have to be pretty ruthless killing ground units or base bombing if there is no high alt opposition - those are far and away the best ways to get consistent high scores. Certainly kill enemy air when you can of course - not suggesting ignoring that at all - but that should be secondary.

You only have to START the game in a rank 3 vehicle for these ones where it is counting game score.

im trying it this is my first time playing arcade in 2025

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Remember that you reload - so if you are climbing with bombers you can ditch the bombload to climb faster! :)

This is a mode where “reload speed” crew skill matters! :)

i am not doing arcade i played 1 match my aim was some how worse and it does not have the multiplyer that realistic has

Arcade certainly has multiplayer - dunno what game you were playing if you didn’t have it!!

And you have aim markers for guns and bombs - so if you are less accurate with those than without then then that is most peculiar.

However it is your choice - looks like you are forked.

when the event happens i will try it

How’s it going?

I’ve had 2 games so far, both AB - used backups for my starting a/c both times - Ayit and SB2C - to maximise RP/Exp for them both

Israel @ Tier 6 (skyhawks mainly) - was a game with only 1 player per side, so I milked it as far as possible with base bombing and ground strike - also killed the other guy 4 vs his 2 of me :) And some AI a/c - 5200 score at T6

2nd was T3 with France using SB2C as the T3 a/c all the others lower BR for effective BR of 3.3 … about 3200 IIRC… total after 2 games is 9160/45000

Next one wasn’t quite so good tho…
