R.530F on the Mirage F1 is next to useless.
Mirage F1 flight model is not good.
Mirage F1 is at a fine BR.
F-20 being higher than Mirage 2000C though is laughable and it should go down to 12.3 but not 12.0, it doesn’t have enough of a kit for 12.7, and the flight model is too good for 12.0.
AIM 7f’s completely body the Super 530F in my experience, the radar set of the f20 is much better too. I don’t have experience with 7f slingers but at that br range sarh matters more than ir imo.
The Mirage F1C/CT/C-200 have Magic IIs which are IMO the best IR missiles (Mounted to fighter airframes that is within the BR range both planes sit), sure, but the F-20’s AIM-7Fs are massively better than Super 530Fs on the Mirage F1s. The flight performance is also a big improvement on the F-20 compared to the Mirage, and I’d argue the guns are much easier to use as well, which makes the F-20 a superior dogfighter. In addition the radar on the F-20 is much better than the radar on the Mirages and, unlike the Mirage F1C/C-200 (But not CT, which loses a gun for it) the RWR on the F-20 is leagues ahead of the Mirage Detecteur. That being said, the limited countermeasures on the F-20, especially compared to the Mirage F1, does hold it back somewhat when you have to face IRCCM missiles more often.
IMO the Mirage F1s are fine at 12.0, they have Magic IIs and that basically makes up for a lot of the issues the airframe would otherwise have and the limited number of missiles they can carry. When I last flew it to grind the F-15E, the F-20 felt fine at 12.7 as well, although I wouldn’t be entirely against it dropping to 12.3 (I’d worry about 11.3s having to face that combination of flight performance and weapon/sensor kit though). The F-20 also has the option of taking 6xAIM-9L if that’s more your thing, which can be quite fun when they work.
Because people always dismiss opinions from people who haven’t flown the vehicles themselves, here’s my pretty mediocre stats in both the prem Mirage and F-20:
The Mirage doesn’t need to move up, rather the F-20 needs to move down. It doesn’t have the quality nor quantity of armament to be 12.7 and it never made a lick of sense to me why it got uptiered in the first place.
The flight models are vastly different though. One is an F-16 with slightly more AOA for less energy retention and the other isn’t all that special but can hold its own with it’s missiles. I say have them meet in the middle at 12.3 or give the F-20 its 4x Aim-120 and send it up to 13.0.
The F-20 should swap places with the m2k, make the m2k 12.7 and the F-20 12.3.
I don’t even have the F-20, and I have the mirage2k, but when you compare the F-20 to the F-16 ADF or other variants that carry sparrows, it is worse in every way.
This is the way, I think the f-20 with a 4x Fox-3 2x Fox-2 loadout would be really viable in 13.0. It could use a few more CM but honestly It would be a solid loadout like the JF-17.
I think the F-20 should go down to atleast 12.3. It would be a bit strong at 12.0 but honestly that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
I have like 600 matches in the F-20 and while my stats are not superb I attribute that to learning the game at top tier.
the only things imo the mirage f1 does better then the f20 is the amount of CMs and the magic 2s
imo the f20 should be 12.3 since it only carries 2 fox1s and 2 9ls on its most optimal loadout
also i’m against the f20 getting its mockup armrams (unless the version with armrams gets added into the TT or event [i would not play it]), really, if you wanna play what the f20 would be with armrams, play the jf17, the only difference is that the f20 would be a bit worse due the lower CM amount
And also since the AV-8C has 2 Aim 9g missiles, powerful missiles but the F-5C has 2 Aim-9E missiles which are lackluster for 10.7 please increase br of AV-8C and decrease BR of F-5C
I have both the F-20 and the Jf-17 and I think this is a pretty accurate take (though I just finished researching the Jef so I dont have much experience with the Chinese F-16), But I would still love to get AIM120’s on the F-20 simply because it would be a solid premium and think it would be a great way for people to grind the US tree like the new Swede Prem.
Gaijin will never add aim120 to the F-20, unless they add a new F-20 with Fox3’s to sell a new vehicle.
Buffing an old premium to higher tiers is like throwing away future sales
ok, as i played MF.1 enough for the last month and i have F-20 which i haven’t touched yet , you are TOTALLY wrong.
MF.1 SARH… they are way too bad. Don’t even compare.
Also the Magic 2 IRCCM capability… is WAY too overrated. It has IRCCM, when you are directly behind around 1,8km and less and in a very certain aspect on the sides. Front aspect gets decoyed by a fly passing between you and the opponent .
And i’ve played with 9Ls and i’ll tell you they work in a very similar way and i can make Python 3 shots work like Magic 2 shots, just in less range.
So while, yes, F-20 is 12,3 material, MF.1 is not even 11.7. It’s more comparable with MLD than with any 12.0s. MLD has good SARH, MF.1 has good IR. But, yeah…
Should we we play MF.1 stop pulling good scores and cry more in the forums?
Same for F-20 players…
No, we just need logic in the MM and over 100iq people managing it… Here doesn’t happen.
nah the magic 2 irccm is not overrated. as a mirage player myself i can say it is great. almost always guaranteed kill from inside 1.5km which youll get into often thanks to speed. rather have magic 2 than aim9m.
python 3 dont have irccm and i feel like it gets flared often even sometimes from close. hate it.
Yeah, that would change the BR and rank of the F-20 to Rank 8, and they can’t do that because they already sold it as a rank 7. In an ideal world, they released the F-20 from the get-go with Aim-120s at rank 8 but here we are.
The missile accelerates super fast and gives no time to countermeasures. In a 2-km launch, the delay between you hitting the key and the flares popping out means the missile is already about 1km away. It’s insanely good and not “overrated”. Infact, I think it’s a bit unfair to deal with.