F-16A OCU armament

The F-16A OCU has not been upgraded and cannot carry AMRAAM, so the OCU currently implemented on the Dev server is a non-historic armament and this should be removed.
AAG_th บันทึกประจำวัน_ อนาคตของเครื่องบินขับไล่ F-16A_B กองทัพอากาศไทยในทศวรรษปี 2020s - Google Chrome 2024_12_11 16_37_45
As this image shows, OCU has never operated aim-120 and only ADF, MLU and Jas39C can operate aim-120 in Thailand.If you want to implement F-16s equipped with AMRAAM in Japan, they should be F-16A(e)MLU. So we will take a survey. Please vote!

  • Remove AMRAAM from F-16A OCU and lower BR to 13.0
  • Remove AMRAAM and Aim-9M from F-16A OCU and lower BR to 12.7.
  • Add F-16A(e)MLU as an alternative
0 voters

กองทัพอากาศไทย มีเครื่องบินรบกี่ลำ (ในปี 64-68) – thaiarmedforce
AAG_th บันทึกประจำวัน: อนาคตของเครื่องบินขับไล่ F-16A/B กองทัพอากาศไทยในทศวรรษปี 2020s
Service of F-16 Fighting Falcon with Thailand

Proposed link to F-16A(e)MLU

Lockheed-Martin F-16A Block 15 (e)MLU - Royal Thai Air Force's Renovated Falcon

OCU image, showing that only aim-9m is equipped


Japan already has a non ARH F16 so I don’t think they need another one just add the spamram version

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The text is not mentioning restrictions on this specifically. The paragraph you cited could also just reference limits in the AIM-9 variants it can carry and that it can’t mount the AIM-9X.

Also your poll should include an option to “keep it as it is”.

You can’t have a poll on whether AIM-120s should be removed and all answers are “yes” or imply a replacement.


Remove AMRAAM and give it to Italian ADF)


and to Taiwaneese F-16A MLU


where does it say it cannot carry amraam? all it says is its limited to the P/L/M sidewiders, it has no mention of Sparrows or AMRAAMS



Do you really want a 60 countermeasure plane at 13.7?

My issue with it regardless of what version it represents irl is that it only has 60 countermeasures (30 pops because it drops 2 at a time) and a block15 FM which mid for an F-16, while sharing the same BR as the F-16C.

Lowering the BR would be very unfair to the other jets in a downtier, but it gets outclassed by many other options at 13.7

One more problem made by BR compression added to the pot of mess that is top tier

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@HighRiskNoReward you too

Countermeasure are rarely useful at 13.7 so it’s hardly relevant. The j10a is one of the best planes at top tier and it only has 72.

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give a option for keeping amraam




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Thank you for making this topic irrelevant.


The j10 only pops 1 countermeasure at a time, if you compare it to the F-16 its like having 144

Well you hardly ever use any. Unless you’re bringing chaff, which is an absolute waste on planes with this few countermeasures, you almost never need to flare anything so you never run out. At 12.7 you need a lot because there’s a lot of ir missiles but at 13.7 people hardly ever shoot ir missiles.

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:) just some proof that it can carry amraams

You must have a very passive playstyle to say something like that.

Sure you don’t need flares/chaff if you only do defensive bvr tactics and stay out of the WEZ. But the meta is to be aggressive or you will be alone facing an entire team within minutes. At that point you will absolutely need a ton of countermeasures anyway.

I play very aggressively, I just jink the missiles into the ground. Usually it’s the people doing the passive bvr tactics that spam chaff not the people who are up close and personal.

That works on mountains and valleys, else you are going to get splash damage on the regular.

Anyway, countermeasures are very useful, and saying that an f-16 adf with amraams would be fine at 13.7 is a bit dishonest when it only has essentially 30 pops or 15 if you flare and chaff at the same time with 30/30 flare-chaff

It works on perfectly flat maps, and 30 pops when you only need to pop 3 times per missile means you can flare 10 missiles. That’s more ir missiles than you generally encounter in one match.