How comes, Israeli F-16A blc.10 sits at 12.7 BR in ARB, while American counterpart got lowered to 12.3?
The only differense is Netz having access to Python 3 missile, which is COMPARABLE to Aim-9L. Its faster and have better agility at ranges, but its significantly worse at turning right after launch because of its acceleration, so Aim-9L actually better at closer ranges.
Noone actually cared about Netz before, but now we are getting 12.7 PREMIUM jet who is supposed to fight with Su-27/33, which is just a one BR step higher, so this mean we are going to face those planes every game.
Lets take a closer look on a Su-33 for example:
R-73 - best short range IR missile with crazy irccm
R-27 ET - best long range IR missile with irccm
R-27 ER - best sarh missile in the game
HMD to compliment those missiles above
newly added “outturn button”
TWS radar mode to get better idea about battlefield
12x of the best missiles in class
What do we have to compete with this jet:
6x missiles without irccm or even HMD
And im not even looking at GRB mode, where this thing will constantly play against 14.0 jets and pantsirs (because Israel plays against USSR like 95% of matches), while having… AGM-65B and JDAMS without targeting pod (yeah, TV mavericks with 6 km lock range and terrible monochrome optics).
So how are we supposed to play it? Like this? New “base destroyer 9000”?
Python 3 has considerably better kinematics but since the seeker is as garbage as the Aim9L. Its a straight upgrade but still a weak 12.7 jet since the python3 still goes for the first flare it see in most circunstances
Shouldn’t even exist in the first place, it is better or equal to the tech tree one in every way, making it P2W and a terrible addition, besides if i see people base bombing in an netz I will not be impressed, this is yet another L for israel and only exists due to greed.
Not a single Israeli player wants this or thinks it’s a good Idea
That you can tank gaijin for the ridiculous compression at those tiers, lowering or increasing BRs around that won’t fix any problems without creating different ones. We need BR decompression first
Totally agree, especially since the new permium hornet which is undoubtably way better would as receive 12.7, just doesnt make any sense how a jet with 6 non irccm short range ir missiles is supposed to compete in a br range where fox 1 and 3 long range engagements are the norm. Also hot take: even the f4s is better than this
I’m curious why the premium Netz gets 180 CMs and the TT Netz only gets 60. Is that our money being dispensed from the chaff launchers? Make sure to use pennies and not dimes.
not entirely true, the only real counterpart of the netz is 12.3, the other f16 all get access to fox1 which helps drastically since you can actually engage above 2-3km. having 6 subpar fox2s at without hmd or irccm at 12.7 isnt competetive, you’ll be an outright victim in that situation, i was grinding the kfir c10 with my stock pythons and even with hmd they arent much better than aim9ls they still eat flares they dont pull hard off the rails and without hmd these few extra gs of pull wont do a lot for you especially since youll most likely be dead at that time since everyone at this br gets better toys than you, youll be outmatched close and long range: mig29 best sarh missiles in the game better short range ir with hmd and hms, the new f18 premium 6 probably also insanely competetive sarh missiles with 2 short range ir options and tws that can in theory be used for close range fights to slave the aim9, f14a you can either choose to take subpar fox3s or just take 6 aim7F with 2 aim9hs and also get tws, m2k cs5 is the only only one who gets less missiles and also no hmd, but it gets a maw(however useful that might be) and also 2 of the best ir missiles currently and 2 pretty decent radar missiles, in short the netz cant compete with anything except for maybe the f14a at that br, itll just be a napalm bomber with 4 pythons
The logic of gaijin is mysterious to me.
Why do the F-15A and F-16ADF/MLU have one BR but the F-15A has an AIM-9M/4 AIM-7 missiles and more chaff/flares amount while the ADF has only 2 AIM-7 missiles and only AIM-9L?
Why would a premium hornet С have 9L at the same rating where a 15А has 9M?
Very strange decisions. And with Netz too. I would prefer to give up Pythons but get a lower BR.