F-16 for Germany

-1, Germany has the F-4F ICE coming for sure.

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It won’t be as good, its just an AIM-9L airframe with a 9M IRCCM. Definitely good enough but won’t be amazing. I can imagine it at 11.7 but that would be unfair to the Kurnass 2000 and F-4EJ-Kai already at that BR (which more so highlights the necessity of decompression but that’s a horse that’s been beat to death since the BR system got introduced in December 2013)

F-4F ICE will be DOA against 4th gen platforms. Flight performance is still what dictates how good a jet is in ARB, hence why Gripen is currently the best, and not Su-27 or MiG-29 even though they both get amazing missiles.

ICE will be a missile bus, nothing more, nothing less (ever thought why Tornado F.3 is at 11.3 and not 12.0, yea, flight performance)… at that point might as well just omit it & give 29G R-77s.

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This would be less slily then giving the Mig29G R77

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That’s an F-18B, never equipped with AMRAAMs nor was it capable of mounting them. Unless of course Gaijin pulls a Gripen & gives the missiles to it anyways.

Well the Radar is capable as the F4ICE has the same radar

Sure, and at the same times the rails aren’t compatible. At that point it’s entirely up to Gaijin whether they wanna ‘make an exception’.

well F16Aj exists

im not saying this is the best option

Yea, but unless I see Alpha Jet ICE (basically same case scenario as F-16AJ, both only existed on paper) in this game - I will continue to hold my breath on F-18B & AMRAAMs.

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i find the swiss hornet is more likely

Arguably, afaik, the irccm should be better, since i believe the reason they were developped was that european countries were less than impressed with the 9M IRCCM, but i think gaijin will go with 9M irccm

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Flight performance will always be king while mulyipath is as excessive as it is.

Thats why I call excessive in-game multipath the single worst game design decision made by gaijin in air battles history.

Granted the spotting system in air RB is not too far behind it…

Could give germany swiss F/A-18’s tho. Theres already the conteoversial swiss hunter in the tree

Well, the 2 Migs-29s cannot CAS, and which the F-4s in Germany only has 2 AGM 54s, they have fox 3 missiles which the AIM-120A but the CAS ability of top tier Germany rn is not enough

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The F4F ice was infact, not good, it’s airframe is ass for the BR once you launch missiles you HAVE to rtb or else you’re fucked, and it’s not even fast enough to outrun most jets at the BR, we can’t have domestic options because Gaijin refuses to add them, the 2 mig 29’s still guzzle fuel like how most russian jets do, and rely heavily on afterburner, and even if we do get the typhoon they’ll give it to Italy, and the UK who Definitely don’t need it considering they have the JAS39C and Tornado GR.4 which should have also added the ASSTA3, not to mention Italy’s Hungarian mig 29, F-16, and JAS39. Germany is stuck with a mid Phantom and no other good dogfighters other than the mig 29,and by the way, france didn’t need the F-16.


Yes it is. It’s been needed since F-15C MSIP II.
Also comparing Tornado GR4 to Typhoon? Your post screams malice with that one.

Vehicle additions have never been about need. Germany didn’t need Panther A, but it got it cause it’s a neat vehicle.
So kindly stop praising bias and move toward equality.

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