F-16 Fighting Falcon: Faster, Smaller, Better

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The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a legendary fighter aircraft. This fast, light and agile jet with a distinct profile entered service in over twenty countries, becoming the most-produced fourth-generation fighter aircraft in history and setting new standards for the industry for years to come. Interestingly, just a few years before its development, aircraft engineers were considering a completely different approach.

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I like the thumbnail I hope it’s a hint(and yes I know it’s the AJ varient)


It’s really sad how far the AJ has fallen, tbh…

Really needs to be at least moved down to 12.7 or given AAM-3s, no shot it and the F-15s get to be the same BR lol

Nah, it’s too powerful for 12.7, and AAM-3s would move it to 13.3 minimum ruining its BR entirely.

The F-15J at the exact same BR has the same number of AAM-3s, and more sparrows.

Yes, we know the F-15J is under-BR’d and needs to be moved up.

Moved up, in the current state of top-tier? More decompression needs to happen before anything in that BR range is moved up…

F-16AJ in its current state is just bad, having to constantly face planes with ARH, IRCCM, and HMD (some of which are the same BR) while it has none of the above.

Maybe, but F-15J is the best 13.3 in the game and it’s at 13.0 instead.
F-16AJ is good in its current state. It’s not bad, it’s not amazing.
2x free kills with the AIM-7s, and 4x standard difficulty kills with the AIM-9s.

This is implying that means much when 12.7 and above only exist to get slapped by AMRAAMs.

Sparrows are questionable at the best of times, especially compared to R-27s and ARH fare, and 9Ls are far from standard difficulty with things like the (Also 13.0) Gripen A running amuck especially considering lack of HMD and low countermeasure numbers on the AJ’s side.

Honestly I don’t think it is, not in it’s current state. It only has 60 CM which aren’t large calibre, it’s AIM-7Fs are fine but don’t work in the ARH spam, and I needn’t talk about the 9L

I would rather it be at 13.3 with AAM-3 than at 13.0 with 9L. AAM-3 is so much better than the 9L and it would get the same matches anyway.

It really isn’t. It’s below average at best. I do better in my Tornados at that BR.

The AIM-7s aren’t exactly free kills, often they just kinda decide to not work.

Only against monkeys who don’t flare because they’re tunnel visioning.

I would 100% rather have a Gripen at that BR, not only does it have better maneuverability, but like you said HMD and countermeasures

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We all know 9Ls are among the best non-IRCCM IR missiles in-game.
With Mig-29 at 12.7, it makes sense that the superior F-16A is 0.3 BR higher.

Also, the F-16AJ cannot use AAM-3s. Wasn’t tested with them as they didn’t exist.

Tornado F.3, Tornado IDS, and F-4M/K all have historical loadouts.

Yes we do. Still does not matter when almost everyone has IRCCM missiles at 13.0, nor does it matter when every game you have to constantly defensive fly due to ARH.

MiG-29 is better than if not on par with the F-16 due to R-27s. I would rather have 2x R-27ER/ET and R-60Ms than 2x Sparrows and 4x 9L

Also, the F-16AJ cannot use AIM-9L and AIM-7F because the AJ never existed.
Also the Yak-141 could never use most of what it had.
Also the Tornado F.3 should carry AMRAAMs but does not.
Tornado IDS can carry AIM-9L/i but does not.
F-4M/K should carry AIM-9L but does not.
Armaments are a balancing decision not for historical accuracy. If the Yak-141 is given armaments it never used, the AJ can too.

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The F-16AJ [real name YF-16] was literally the test platform for AIM-7s, and it used AIM-9Ls before it got AIM-7 capability.

Thanks for admitting all your posts are null and void.
Thank you for the easy W.
Don’t comment again unless it’s to tell me you removed that part of your post.

Oh and all the other production aircraft have historical loadouts, proving my point for me.
In-fact, I’ll add them all to my post.

Just… no. It was not the YF-16. It was a copy and paste of the F-16A in the American tree with AIM-7Fs.

How did that happen?

Except the Tornado F.3 doesn’t have AIM-120s, despite carrying them. (No I won’t count the “Late” variant that’s BS). The Tornado IDS doesn’t have 9L/i which it had IRL. F-4M/K does not have 9L. You just completely ignore this fact.

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You don’t know the story.
Japan was looking for a new aircraft, and General Dynamics instead of sending a standard F-16A to demonstrate to Japan they sent one of their YF-16s used for AIM-7 testing so they could show AIM-7 capability to the Japanese government.
That’s ultimately what we got in War Thunder: The YF-16 demonstrated to Japan, just renamed.

Not having weapons does not change the historical weaponry those aircraft do have.

Oh, and any post mentioning Yak-141 is treated as a meme post as there is never a reason to bring that aircraft up. Never.
if you want to talk about incomplete prototypes with their intended weaponry: Ho-229.

I do.

Of which Japan never even got to fly or operate on the ground.

The YF-16 had a Pratt & Whitney YF100-PW-100 engine, the F-16AJ in game has an F100-PW-220 which was introduced in 1986, which was 8 years after the trials in Japan. The YF-16 only had a basic avionics suite and the F-16AJ we have in game has it’s full F-16A Block 10 avionics. The YF-16 never did and couldn’t (without modification) carry AGM-65s. The F-16AJ can. What sources do you have that prove the F-16AJ is a YF-166

Yeah I’m just proving if gaijin can do that to one plane they can do it to another.

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Not only that, it can carry more SARH missiles and (albeit two less, but still) IR missiles with IRCCM.
There’s really no reason for the F-16AJ to be at the same BR as it…

There isn’t. It’s just silly to me

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