than why adding a plane that is supposed to use them when they can add older plane that don’t use them?
Bro, just be happy. F-15I is a huge addition, and I had doubts they would give it to Israel in the upcoming update. But here it is! So i’m content
its not. its like the Baz meshupar, but with shitty cas option, I would’ve been happy if the F15I would actually be different from the F15E that the US get but its not only identical but minus the thing that make the F15E a good cas aircraft. We don’t even have israely made ordonance on it. its like the F16C barrak2, same aircraft but with derby and without AGM65. its like the sholef, was hyped for it, turned out that they butchered it, i wasn’t happy about it comming in game afterward. Its like the suffa, I hope it will come to the game but if they add it with python 3 and just gbu they can keep it for them.
The Su-37 “Terminator”. The latest variant of the Su-27 airframe. That is just an example. There is a massive difference between those two. Unbalanced
Yes some of them were indeed. They were still playable while offering a chance to the enemy team. For example the F-15C didn’t receive its BOL pods on release and that is understandable but the problem is gaijin just forgets about those things and when the respective aircraft is not “meta” anymore, the missing things don’t get implemented. But hey, at least the U.S has arial supremacy but helis and tanks left to be desired
It has better engines than the E as of now, so that’s something
I mean a country getting better engines on the same plane is BS, but yeah Germany desperately needs something. Dutch sub tree imho should have gone to Germany so they could get F-16s
Doesn’t come across as that. It always feels intentional.
I agree Israeli made munitions should represent Israeli aircraft, Popeyes, Lizard, Etc…
But for now, its going to be better than nothing.
Look at Germany, Italy, Sweden, France. No one got a new top strike fighter.
isn’t this thing supposed to be a fighter rather than a strike aircraft?
France should be getting the upgraded variant of the Mirage 2000-D
This specific variant is more focused on Strike capabilities, but not entirely.
italy, sweden and france all get AGM65 which for the current meta are good, GBU 15V2 forces you to either take a lot of altitude or expose yourself. AGM can be fired from 6-7km away with ease at mid altitude.
AGM-65 are not as reliable as the 15/V2 as far as my experience with both go.
idk man. I don’t work there
15/V2 are great but 2 isn’t worth to take, you will loose too much time trying to gain altitude for two kill when you can just take the kurnass 2000 with 6 agm and get 2-3 kill per sortie.
y’know what’s the real issue with this? the fact nobody here has a fucking clue what modern combat actually prioritises. it’s not who can dog fight best or CQC engagements. it’s about who has the better tactics and execution. US equipment is better irl because russian never bothered to actually make equipment to the same standard, gajin give them a serious buff by following what’s on russian reports, usually very dressed up reports knowing the corruption over there. the us on the other hand downplays there capabilities on public reports for reasons of keeping their enemies mostly incorrect. gajin needs to prioritise balancing, bug fixes and everything else before adding new shit. they also really need to reconsider their approach to nerfing vehicles claiming balance. especially with the state of the german air tree, american spaa’s and how blatently bad the matches have been getting.
im not sad that they are adding the F15I, im sad about adding it like this. It doesn’t stand out from his american counterpart which is just sad.
But Israeli strike eagles never used mavericks, but US F-15E did use 229
To stand out from the US one would mean adding much more advanced weapons while leaving the US one with what it got from gaijin, which would be very unbalanced
I know but it wouldn’t really be a big deal to give the F-15I mavericks when the F-16d never used 9ms irl but got them in game