F-15E and F-15I should go to 14.0+

Yes, we need new battle ratings. What happens if the F-22A gets here, what…? BR 13.7?

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F-22A at BR 14.3, lol.
I’m scared because that is completely possible. 13.7-14.0 is starting to enter 4.5 gen region, Eurofighter at 14.0, Rafale at 14.0, etc.
14.3 is 5th gen.


Won’t stop them from fully overloading the thing with bombs and going after bases until they get that number down to 14.0.


Not really. AESA radar prevents F-22 from being 14.3.
F-15C MSIP II already is gen 4.5.

It was just sarcastic joke with hyperbole, buddy.

  • with this compression
  • and with this much of non-decompressing
  • F-22 might be 14.3 and punish everything below


The F-22 only has AIM-9Ms and AIM-120A-C.
It really isn’t ground breaking outside the AESA and stealth aspect.
And we’re close to AESA as the next step, then it’s stealth and GG game “finished”.
Of course IRIS-T/9X/R-74 can be added afterward.

I don’t see a need for the no-escape range AESA AMRAAMs… ever.
Maybe when there’s a stealth-only category of BRs.

But yeah, stealth is great when you don’t know where the stealth aircraft is coming from.
Air RB? Nothing really changes.
Sim is a bit more BVR focused, and there are maps like Afghan to mitigate that.

Sinai in sim is already whichever side as the better BVR wins.

i though amraam didnt have aesa seeker or do u mean the fighters radar

AIM-260, R-77M, AAM-4B, Meteor, etc all have internal AESA radars.

I want gaijin decompression max BR to 14.0 for F-15E and F-15I before add Python 4 (F-15I) and AIM-120C AMRAAM (AIM-120C-3, AIM-120C-5 & AIM-120C-7) for winter update 2024 or BR change in january 2025

  • F15E

Add AIM-120C AMRAAM (AIM-120C-3, AIM-120C-5 & AIM-120C-7)

  • F-15I

2x AIM-9L and AIM-9L at tier I replace with AIM-9M, Python 4 instead 4x AIM-9L & AIM-9M (tier III)

AIM-120B replace with AIM-120C-3 and add AIM-120C-5

meteor doesnt afaik, and do you have any proof for aim 260? geniunely curioys about that one

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AIM-260 is still completely unknown at the moment so he pulled that one straight from his backside


The engine power, acceleration, climbrate and speed of F-15E and F-15I are just unreasonable for current state of top tier. They’re not even in the same league as other “top tier” jets. They climb to 13km and can laugh at missiles because they outrun them easily. They can climb to 13km, start spamming SPAMRAAM while some planes still have their landing gear down. This plane should have never been added without proper counters or be put at 15.0 so that it can only fight eachother. Classic Gaijin giving USA the most broken aircraft to squeeze out every $ from 'muricans yapping 104-0 and saying how good and realistic this is.

The funniest thing is that these F-15E apes still find a way to die to a Phantom lmao


What I meant was
‘it is just sacastic joke with hyperbole’ somewhat kinda close to ‘worst-worst case scenario’

You don’t need to take it too seriously.

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Israel as well. Its actually slightly better than the F-15E lol.

lmfao, nice one

Literally comparable to the Eurofighter with currently a similar A-A loadout and avionics to the early ones, the only thing the F-15E lacks that would make it a typhoon is just the insane dogfight capability

F-15I isn’t broken in ARB?

Not as much as other things have been ‘broken’ in the past, they are still killable unlike prime ER slingers

They’re still OP.

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yes, not denying that, although they aren’t unkillable