F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

F-15 Wing polar

f-15 JA

I saw another one.
scale_720 (1)

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I’d love to see the F-15E soon tbh.


From my understanding FM-wise, it’d be inferior to the F-15A we currently have. Could have the same weapons (but a much better radar) and would have much more ground attack ordinance. So performance-wise, it should be possible to be added to the game now/in the near future tbh.

Radar, electronic warfare, etc. They could (and likely will) add multiple variants down the road.

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It got same A2A loadout?

AIM-9’s, AIM-7’s, and AIM-120’s

Yours is by Jack Abercrombie, aerodynamicist for McAir’s FX program, but it’s not real. It’s a graph from the late 1970s, from a report to AGARD which was not showing the truth on purpose because it was the Cold War.

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What is source of yours?

Hardpoints for A2A. How much? Same 8(4+4)?

Afaik yes

Jack Abercrombie

My dream for USA tech tree and new monster CAS for ground RB & ground SB in the future .

But I hope gaijin add F-15E (1990) at 12.3 BR in rank 8 before F-15E (2004)

In 5 or 6 years, I expect F-15E (2018) at rank 9 with AN/APG-82(V)1 AESA radar, IR AIM-9 sidewinder (AIM-9M-9 & AIM-9X), active radar homing BVRAAM AIM-120C AMRAAM (AIM-120C-5 & AIM-120C-7), AN/AAQ-33 Sniper XR targeting pod, JDAM (GBU-31(V)1/B, GBU-38(V)1/B, GBU-38(V)3/B & GBU-38(V)5/B), GBU-54 LJDAM, GBU-39 SDB (GBU-39A/B & GBU-39B/B), AGM-65 Maverick (AGM-65G2 & AGM-65K) and AGM-158B JASSM-ER

If F-15E from 1990 Air-to-Air armament not advanced and like F-15A in USA tech tree but before access AIM-120 AMRAAM

Would be AIM-120D-1. And even 1990s F-15Es were AMRAAM compatible.

It won’t take too long for them to add it tbh, but for now i’d be satisfied with the f15C, i just wanna spam some amraams.

It depends on how they model it. If they make it realistic, and allow the CFTs to be removed it would be as good if not better than the F-15A/C when equipped with the -229 engines.

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a weird 5 bar scan


I don’t think that is an APG-63 or F-15 though. Very weird pattern

You are right, it is the apg 65

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I found a maximum 6 bar scan on the APG-63