Ehh. Useless or not I would still like to see all the historical ordnance.
I don’t think Laser Mav is historical on USAF aircrafts.
Idk man. If they used them i want to see them. If they didn’t so be it. Wasn’t there another much newer vairant of the Mav. Like the H or K afaik
H in game already iirc and it is same or very similar for… AGM-65B? AGM-65K we already have in Sweden TT on Viggens and Gripens (Rb.75T)
It is but it’s fairly rare, and tended to only really be carried by aircraft expected to go on BAI / CAS taskings (e.g. Specific Block F-16’s & A-10s) since the basic -65E could not properly track own-ship designators due to the way the seeker worked (the basic -65E inherited the -65C’s SALH seeker from the early 70’s) has to do with how centroid tracking and Laser reflections & Shadows, interfere with the Guidance and Control section.
As such the -65E-2 / -65L (the same missile, sans HERO compliant SAD system) is far more useful, since it can be freely self-lased and isn’t left hanging without additional support (which frees up other tactical elements to do other things). And permits better tasking for specific Target sets meaning that inventory can be better managed. (I wouldn’t be surprised if the Digital seeker from the E-2 was backported to the HEAT-F warhead to produce the AGM-65C-2 configuration to allow full use of remaining inventory of the 125lb warheads).