F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Yes it is, unless the copy you have says otherwise or has been redacted via FOIA.

I’d say you are free to go, they don’t seem to care

dont care about the f15e cft glitch either…

That entry was why I asked, actually.

Prolly just because it “easily available” on the internet but they go apeshit crazy and get a ban if I use the F18’s manual that comes up as first result when you google “F18 manual”

Theres manuals for F/A-18 earlier than 1995. You can use them

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Well, yes, but I and some other ppl used it for reports

doesn’t make a difference when the year THEY normally ask declassification proof is generally for stuff post 1980

i found with one google search f/a18f manual…

just google “f a18e/f manual filetype:pdf”

That doesnt mean its declassified

Who cares

If they are using it, they either don’t care or have knowledge of its declassification

Talk about 18E/F manual. It is classified. About T.O 1F-15E-1 1993 it is declassified for gaijin (>30 years). And I and some other ppl already used it

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Just because their policy is 30 years does not mean that they are legally allowed to export an ITAR controlled manual.

Well, if in isolation, then nobody. But if they don’t hold themselves to standards they expect others to follow, especially using legality as the reason, then it is a bit annoying in the very least.

but to fine the whole manual usually means that most people can find it so…

Still does not mean it is declassified.
The Manual for the Eurofighter DA.7 is also on the Internet but it’s not declassified and you get into a world of trouble if you post it here


Well, looks like I got my work cut out lol (about LJDAM and EGBU on F-15, 16, 18, 117 and AV-8B and A-10C)



this has to be the easiest bug report ever

We’ll see when it hits the live server. I don’t trust gaijin with anything