F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Is anybody else having issues with the radar holding a lock properly? Any change of aspect on the locked target and the radar immediately seems to drop lock for me.

I just lost a lock on an su-27 as it turned directly towards me, and had to relock target causing me to lose the fight because he could get a missile off before me.

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Yeah, I have experienced the same multiple times

Thrust is correct. People are comparing the F100-PW-100 to the F100-PW-220, the F-15 manual explicitly states that the -220 model will have improved performance.

Likewise, the takeoff speeds and distance are correct which indicates the correct thrust is given.

Looking at the maximum thrust short takeoff procedure and compare to the manual. Drag will not be a significant factor here, and it will rely instead on acceleration. Use takeoff flaps.

It states to apply full aft stick at low speeds until nose pitches to 12 degrees attitude. Hold this attitude until takeoff.

At 30,000 pounds, nose wheel should pitch up at 80 knots, wheels up at 108 knots. Total distance to takeoff should be no more than 900 feet (275m).

As you can see, wheel up at 70 knots and takeoff at 100. Distance less than 900 feet.

Yes thrust is fine…
Fuel flow tho is messed up, I will report that on monday.


Yup, I can barely hold lock on something, a single roll can confuse this radar lol.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJT3avUFUw0 was there a buff?

He’s referring to the increased overload or doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Content creators are not Gaijin officials…

That is why I am asking, maybe there was an improvement on it

15 is a fine dogfighter lol just dont get caught lackin


anyone else notice the F15 on the dev server has too low a top speed up high? I know deck speed is right where charts show (800kts ish) but above 40,000’ we should be pushing 2.5M but instead it stops at 2.3M… for as long as i can remember, the f15 has been touted as a 2.5M+ capable aircraft, anyone reported this?
Screenshot 2023-12-09 214515


1425 knots is 2.13 mach, it’s not doing 2.5 mach with 4x AIM-7F and 2x Mk84.

should be going 2.5 clean though

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Are you looking at F-15A or F-15C performance, if it had the F-15C’s F100-PW-220 it should be more capable of 2.5 mach.

We have this one in-game:
F-15A clean with PW-100 engine is less than 2.4 mach top speed

i see. does the f15j get pw 220s?

irl i mean

They incorporated them at some point as did the US but the models we have in-game probably ain’t changing.

1425 isn’t 2.13M, least in standard conditions which i think test flight simulates. here’s a M calculator Airspeed Conversions (CAS/EAS/TAS/Mach) | AeroToolbox

and im in test flight now doing 2.3M and 1300knots @ 45,000’. so about 125knots short.

sorry for extra us main copium but this really does make me wish we got a 1986 f15c or equivelant

heres the source im using. PW-100 engines.


this is best I could pull though still very close