F-15 Eagle: History, Performance & Discussion

Speaking of missiles, can’t find the Sparrow topic but it was shot from an F-15 so here it goes. The sparrow chose to go for the guy behind me rather than the hot target in front. Smashing things with the 27ER gets boring but if this is the alternative I think ill go back to the Su27. Sparrows have been broken for the better part of 2 years now

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Probably yeah, I think the 20-25G class of missiles are disadvantaged the hardest by that. Anything under you can outpull anyways, anything over is probably gonna hit

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Ok so I just got back into the F-15 after a minute…

The f-15 having lower wing loading than the su27 rips under the slightest roll and pitch & any negative G. The Su27 not nearly as bad. Not even close. They actually reduced it, made the Flanker much more playable. Ripping is almost nonexistent. But not the F-15.

The F-15 was more designed for high-speed combat, along with its amazing pitch (modelled really well in game). However, to watch its rip its wings much easier than the gigantic, very thin su27’s wings armed with a tons of missiles hanging from its wings is a little heart breaking.

You know, at first it was funny that GJ did this to the US, its phantoms and crusader. Nice cruel joke by making players die simply from basic flying.

But doing this to the F-15 is a little bit much. I really hope they at least make them equal to the su27.
None of these jets should be ripping as easy. They are all highly aerodynamically perfected designs over the previous generation.
It’s really lame that GJ has these mechanics intentionally affecting US top tier fighters still.

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It’s an instructor issue. I still have yet to be able to rip the wings with pure elevator input in full real control


Good to know. I really feel for those who can only play the US line and F-15. Not cool.

Its kind of a difficult problem to look at. Mouse aim is inherently a FBW system which results in exaggerated movement from all control surfaces. The aircraft is modeled to have real-ish G-tolerance. Combine this with poor performance from servers or people’s connection, the combination can result in instantaneous overloads that are detrimental to gameplay.

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They fixed it with the Su27. It was ripping just as much at release.

I do not see how they cannot for the F-15. I believe its intentional and they need to chill.

The thing is the F-15 rips in the slightest inputs that consist of negative Gs. It’s not ever ripping in actual dogfights. All my deaths have been in regular basic flight and basic repositioning or evading a missile.

I don’t know, I guess it’s just a real unfortunate coincidence that just only happens to US fighters, time and time again.

It’s the mouse aim virtual instructor throwing the rudder in full deflection when doing a roll. I personally prefer the idea that the player should take this into account instead. Otherwise they will ‘nerf’ the roll rate so that you won’t overload the wings. I discussed this on the forum with a tech mod. I’ll post the thread if you want.

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No need bro. But thanks for the follow up.

Whatever the issue “is” does not affect the Su27 anymore. How weird.
Its just a basic PR statement to keep the jet in a nerfed state imo. I’ll just go back to the Su27.

Oh, hey check out the F-16C & D doing really good now with the ACM update. love it.


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Yea… it’s a little bit unfortunate…

I just use the free look and my keyboard to move around. It’s most vulnerable around 950 kph. Managed to pull 15/16G’s when doing a roll and a pitch moment according to wt live stats. All while the instructor doing massive rudder inputs. Wing go bye bye.

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It is so stupid that wings snap even when I barely roll, instructor is fucking things up for sure. I even managed to snap wing in block 10 F-16A, I wasn’t even pulling any AoA from external view and I wasn’t even flying aggresively. These 2 cases happened back to back in ground realistic with GBUs. I simply pressed D key to roll right with a very gentle mouse movement from left to right, in both cases wings went bye-bye. It is not even funny anymore.

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I have the opposite experience with the f-15 in mouse aim and haven’t broken my wings ever except on the dev server.

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giphy (10)

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Surely they could fix this with a handwave-y ‘Fly by wire’ implementation that hard limits the max pitch/yaw/roll force and just doesn’t let the aircraft rip unless you over speed

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Who are you referring to??? @k_stepanovich

How unfortunate… you are definitely not helping to improve the radar or game with that attitude.

Radar Is great and sparrows works fine, still multipath brings some issues in the tracking of the missile at low altitudes. I wish It wasn’t a big problem for SARH missiles so that people could start nothcing instead of being brainless rays hugging the floor. That would make the gameplay more interesting and complicated.


There is actually no difference between CW and HPRF signal in the game.
Missile stat card should be reworked to not confuse players.
IRL, HPRF and CW signals in general have similar capabilities in target detection, there are some differences, but they are really small.

If the question is about will be the same missile have different capabilities if used from different airplanes (with different illumination antennas and transmitters) - yes, it may be implemented in one of next updates.


If implemented, would missiles guided via HPRF signal like a Sparrow fired from an F-16C also not trigger the Continuous Wave lamp on appropriate RWRs? And possibly not trigger the missile launch warning on some RWRs either? (I mean from an in-game or IRL standpoint, since for balance they may have to be adjusted)


They should not trigger CW lamp right now.
But launch warning lamp is different - it doesn’t only react on CW signal, but on other types of illumination signals or missile commands as well.


Awesome. Thanks for the follow up.

We would really appreciate a stat card update.

Nice, I was under the assumption HPRF is preferred because its for better range and terminal guidance accuracy over CW since it allows the signal to have break or “repetitions” able to better determine target range, closure etc.

Anyway, appreciate the sparrow update, and ACM increase on the F-16C. Its not op and done well. It does drop signal at range if not used correctly, so it’s not braindead easy which I like.