F-14B rebalance/ weapons buff?

With the new additions to more 14.0 platforms with improved missiles and having some of the most air-to-air ordinance in the game, I feel it’s time to give the F-14B a Weapons buff to deserve its 13.0 battle rating. With the new implementation of the AIM-7P and the prevalence of the AIM-9M I feel like these two weapons systems should be given to the F-14B. This will help it fight aircraft like the Su-27, F-4F ICE, etc, a lot better and improve the combat viability of the airframe.


The aim 9m should definitely be added to the f-14B but the aim7p would only function like an aim 7m because the f-14 cannot support the data link therefor the addition would be redundant.

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Uhh still not.

As far as I know, AIM-7P has lofting capability so, they should works like AIM-7MH, which is still different from regular AIM-7M.

No… Why give F-14 weapons it did have? Why give the performance of some weapons to realistic levels? Don’t you understand that by this forum F-14 is OP and TOO STRONK even if it flies against 2018 versions of Eurofighters and Rafales and it’s very good in 1970/80 weapons because the technology back there was that damn good? You see Su-30 is dead from the get go…let’s find a way to buff this instead. We have time to toss some good ideas before it’s on live servers…

Jokes aside,
I don’t see them buffing F-14B , more likely next update to give us an F-14D with AIM-54C/ECCM (Sealed) -actual- , nearly un-notchable /not giving a fk about multipathing ,call it 14.0 BR or something like that and GJ tell us that that AIM-54 variant was just that good. People will break the internet crying " but it kills me 80km away" while they fly Rafale and Gj will FINALLY tell them L2P. Then they will release another update with ECCM to counter and balance that AIM-54 somewhat against the very top tiers who at that point would be around 15.0 .


It’s different , yet AIM-7M should loft as well. In general , many missiles don’t perform…by the book for the sake of balance, either by buffing or nerfing them.

To be more specific, not only loft and not only AIM-7s. Modern missiles have modes, GJ doesn’t model modes or not all modes. I won’t say it is easy and it needs some programming/coding to be accurate .
Also we don’t have defenses as the planes had to make the missiles more powerful. Imagine Chaff won’t work in most 80s/90s missiles in reality… at least , not unless combined with ECMs etc.

I just want them to correct the aim54C :(

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needs the following:
HMD (tested)
Expanded Chaff adapter
fix AIM-54C performance (25G and better lofting profile)
AIM-54C Mk47 Mod 1 smokeless/reduced smoke motor
fix AIM-54C seeker
AIM-7P because IRIAF can have r27r( that never even worked with it irl) with datalink (at least F-14B actually carried 7P irl)


IRIAF also warrants a buff, either carrying six Fakours or moving back down to 12.7.



Are you saying the F-14 can’t support a data link with the AIM-7P or that is didn’t have a data link at all?.

D model could but, A model and B model doesn’t support.

hey do you have that photo of the 25G add on to aim54c still in the add and the vigoursuly manoveruring targets thing still

Doesn’t support Data link with the P or just in general? Because the A and B both had a data link.

Thanks you a real one just put a report in
gaijin may not accept it but i can now say ive tried

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I completely agree, and I don’t even own the F-14B, I’ve only faced them and they’re horrid. Not to mention the F-14 IRIAF which needs to go down to 12.7 again, the only thing it has going for it is the Fakour-90 and R-27. Remove R-27, put it at 12.7 or remove R-27, nerf Fakour-90, put it at 12.3

when is the game scheduled to support dual-plane? after adding 5th gens?

Interesting that it can DL with Aim-54Cs but not DL with Aim-7Ps

There is a chance that;


might be overturned due to the fact that the technical moderator can’t read.

Also I think it’s the oddest grounds I think I’ve seen for a report to be refused, doesn’t help that the closed the comments in the report so I’ve had to reach out to a Tech mod via the DMs to get it reopened. (which eats up time and reduces the likelihood that it will be implemented by the time things go live).

As to their responses.

There is no source for TCS in An Outsider’s view of the AIM-54 Phoenix/AWG-9 Weapons System; the page is excerpted from another book.


Well yes the specific table provided isn’t present in the referenced document, but it’s the substantively similar to the table provided on PDF page -83 (shown below).

And it still references a IR / TV sensor, Which I’ve highlighted in the red square for clarity The only aux sensors used by the F-14 was the (IR / IRSTS)ALR-23, (TV / TCS )AXX-1 and (IRST)AAS-42.

Originally supplied table in question

The intended scope of the report was to have the F-14B (similar reports exist for other airframes, including the F/A-18C & AV-8B+) included in the list impacted by the change made on the Dev server, that’s it.

Either way, since the 7P retains IOG functionality, retaining/activating it remains strictly advantageous with no operational drawbacks.