F-14a iriaf

The F-14A IRIAF needs a nerf, or a BR raise. This thing is the most pay to win abomination the game has ever added. Pay 70 bucks to wreck entire lobbies. You also get downtiered every single game in this thing. Very very balanced…
And not to talk about the Fakour-90. This missile might be the most unfair missile currently in the game. Fly for 20-30 seconds and get slammed by a Fakour, even when you are hugging the ground.

Please Gaijin do something about this.


If you haven’t figured out how to evade the AIM-54 or the Fakours, then please learn the basics for playing top tier first.

This is, unfortunately, a skill issue on the players that get hit.


another skillissue “TOMCAT OP NERF IT!” thread…


You saying notching and dropping 1 chaff is a skill issue is an understatement. The only thing they need to do is just not fly straight at the missile. That’s all they have to do.

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It’s better than the F14a on the tech tree, and they’re both at 12.7, which is very unfair for the F14a on the tech tree, and it always clears a quarter of my teammates in a game, making their game last only 5 minutes. I think the BR of the F14a iriaf should be higher than that of the regular F14a

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The F-14A is already nerfed and BR raised.
F-14A is inferior to the F-16s and Mig-29s at its own BR, thus not pay to win.

F-90 is an average ARH for the BR, especially when just 0.3 BR higher a vastly superior ARH is on aircraft: AIM-120.

I highly recommend watching videos on missile evasion.

And yes @Sakura_520 we know the tech tree F-14A is over-BR’d.

At this point they should just add 9L to F-14A and 9M to F-14B to compensate their raised BR (which I fully agree as they have no business bullying planes without RWR).


No. F-14D can get AIM-9Ms for 13.3.
F-14A doesn’t face aircraft without RWRs, and no RWR wasn’t even a death sentence for AIM-54s when F-14A could face Mirage 3C.

in dogfights the f14 could win easily if they are experinced IRL in game its okay against any f16 other than the A model

It’s vastly superior to the F-14A at the same BR, so it needs to go up.

I’d rather something be slightly bad than too good.

F-14A’s dogfight capability is the worst at 12.7.
F-111F and Mig-23MLD [not MLA/ML] dogfights as well at 11.7.

F-14A Iran already moved up.
F-14A standard needs to be brought back down to EJ Kai, it’s primary equivalent.

It should go higher until other nations are given worse ARH missiles at a lower BR.

I just don’t want the tomcat to be able to force literally anything it meets into a defensive position because it always has the range advantage.

I should not be facing not terrible ARH missiles in something with spo-10.

We need decompression, but the last thing we need are any buffs to the F-14A or IRAF that don’t cause them to go up in BR.

The only way F-14A Iran goes higher is if ALL 11.7s - 14.0s go up with it.
It’s balanced.
The EJ Kai and F-14A standard need to be the same BR.
11.7 - 12.7 is already decompressed outside maybe F-16A ADF, which is superior to F-14A Iran in every way BTW.

EJ Kai, F-14A, F-14A IRIAF:
Radar: EJ Kai.
IR missile: EJ Kai.
Radar missile: F-14A/EJ Kai.
ARH missile: F-14A IRIAF.
Countermeasures: EJ Kai.
RWR: EJ Kai.
Speed: 3 way tie.
Engines: EJ Kai.
Airframe: F-14A/F-14A IRIAF.

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Please use the search button on the forum

we already have a thread about this:

thank you.