F-14 Tomcat: History, Performance & Discussion

I’m not serious F-14D lose AIM-120B AMRAAM

and gajin could add F-14D with SRAAM AIM-9M & AIM-9M-8, SARH MRAAM AIM-7M/AIM-7P & AIM-7P Block II and BVR AIM-54C & AIM-54C+ but without AIM-120B in second major update

Some one is confused

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Still my fav vid displaying the Tomcats maneuverability:

Considering its an analogue plane that first flew in 1970 and weights almost 50% more than an F-15 at gross weight, it truly is an incredibly agile plane.


Did AWG-9 not have MPRF irl? Was it HDN only?

To the best of my knowledge it was HPRF. Though I am not sure on its modernization into the APG-71, if anyone has documentation on that I would be very interested in reading it.

APG-71 would also have MPRF. You probably wont find any declassified documentation in it, but it has 75%+ parts commonality with the F-15E strike eagle’s APG-70, which itself has been described by pilots as borderline impossible to notch, and is a synthetic aperture radar.

Gaijins somehow gonna flub it tho and make it terrible, then they’ll say something along the lines of “well Russians were never able to make a radar like that so we dont believe the americans could either”.

Wont matter either way though, since they’re never gonna fix the AIM-54C because they don’t believe any source regarding it missing any sort of capabilities either, seeing as those sources don’t exist in the fantasy land the gaijin devs live in at this point.


Do we know which motor they use for the phoenixes? It just says AIM 54 A/C… I suspect that on the A they use the Mk47 but Im not sure about the C. Does anyone have any info on that?

Based off the burn time, impulse, and fuel mass from datamine it is the Mk47 mod 0 for both.

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Thats good. For the ranges we have in WT at least… If they only made the missile maneuver a little bit better, I would have no complains… I wish missile performance in general was a bit closer to DCS :(

Idk what happened to it, but it was supposed to have been fixed some time ago. Maybe they saw the complaints and decided against it.

Very nice

The F-14 is a very nice looking aircraft. Do you think removing the Glove vanes had a significant effect on maneuverability ?


Glove vanes to my understanding were implemented to reduce transonic buffeting. As an aircraft transitions from subsonic flight to supersonic flight its aerodynamics significantly shift. Aircraft like the F111 would experience a strong pitching force as it went through the transition. Because of that, the F14 had the vanes installed to ease that transition.

As it turned out, the F14 had minimal transonic buffeting regardless of the vanes being deployed, so they just left them locked shut because it didn’t really matter and maintaining them would’ve been a waste of money.

(So no, possibly not even a measurable effect.)

I’ve read that they significantly reduce trim drag, plus they increase maneuverability.

Good video about F-14 design :

Sad that every aspect of the Tomcat is nerfed in this game

I genuinely despise how for every F-14 issue that pops up, devs will just disregard it and move on

Edit: Sorry for the resurrection of a 2 month old post, I completely lost track of how far into the discussion I was.

Wasn’t there a TWS fix specifically for the F-14s not that long ago? (February 14th).

The flight performance exceeds what was possible in real life due to G limitations and flaps functionality.