F-14 Tomcat: History, Performance & Discussion

Basically, same as HMD PD but out to the max range of the radar, but unable to use other HMD modes

Itd be a bit weird to see the F-14D as a premium, the B(U) might, but itd be a little odd as well, particularly since theres a lot of other jets thatd be better off as high tier premiums, such as the F-16XL


Oooh ok nvm than ignore what I said lol.

Yeah that’s alright I guess, as long as it has the same refresh rate as the radar than there’s not really a problem with it


Yeah its just meant to be a way to emulate telling your RIO which target you want them to lock basically. It doesnt let the plane do anything it wouldnt be able to do or take away your control over the radar, it just allows you to reduce the workload a bit by allowing you to keep eyes on target and flying properly while effectively manipulating the radar, its all been detailed and explained here: Mouse designated radar lock for 2 seater jets


Good idea, it always bothered me that in WT the WSO/RIO in 2 seaters only serves as dead weight. For aircrafts like the F-14 and F-4, the backseater should also be able to give you extra situational awareness by spotting aircrafts, missiles and whatnot, as it was actually part of their job. They should have an equivalent of the voice warning system modern aircrafts have, Gaijin would just need to adapt it. Makes no sense that the RIO/WSO is silent.


Yeah! My suggestion post originally included some awareness bonuses for 2 seaters for that exact reason, but i was told only “one suggestion per post” so i cut it. My suggestions never get passed to the devs anyways too so i didnt really care to spend the time making another one at this point…


You don’t report stuff either because you never actually have good basis for your claims.

Is there something wrong with our f-14b’s modeling or functionality?
I want to know some

Some info about aim54 versions
One mention about aim54C eccm, When?

Just about every radar mode or useful feature is missing, the functionality of the thermal camera system is completely abhorrent. None of the systems are correctly modeled even in a simplistic manner for the arcade game that this is. This is in spite of such features being available for other vehicles or aircraft in-game.

Just tag MythicPi, he will spend hours ranting about each of the issues in great detail normally when you do. It’s just that he usually does so unprompted or without being asked. Great opportunity for him really.


It is pretty sad that they can’t even model TCS correctly.

Sometimes play in SBEC but, OMEGA CROSS LINE on TCS screen at cockpit view is really annoying and, the screen is full color for somehow.


Not that they “can’t” TCS’s functionality are pretty simple, and the optoelectronic lock systems used on some high tier AA and IFV’s could largely be used as the base for the system in-game. Gaijin just REFUSES to do so despite having incredibly well detailed primary sources on just about every bit of what the system can and cant do and how it does it.

The bug reports have been in since the literal day the F-14B was added to the dev server, gaijin is just too lazy, or just dislikes the F-14 too much to bother modelling it.


I’m hoping they are keeping this for the eventual F-14D. Maybe to make it more appealing idk.

They wont lol. They’ll only model the IRST capabilities, and even then, they wont do it well. They’ll also ruin the APG-71, and copy paste the AIM-54C for the AIM-54C ECCM/Sealed, then call it a day, all while ignoring all bug reports about it and its weapons.


F-14B can finally equip the JDAM

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They can’t.

Only B(U) and D model can.

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Ok. They will equip them as oxy said that

If they add it, I will need to post bug report to remove the JDAM from the F-14B or give it a Sparrowhawk HUD and rename to F-14B(U).


In fact F-14B not unable JDAM but change cockpit Sparrowhawk HUD from F-14D, add GBU-31(V)2 JDAM and rename F-14B → F-14B (U)