F-14 Tomcat: History, Performance & Discussion

Man I love that the F-14’s manual says that if the engine goes over ~935 °C, that it will be damaged. Gaijin solution: give it an extra 200° temperature.


electro-optic views in cockpit in general right now are awful. the lack of ability to slew the and lock them from cockpit view alongside the terrible resolution from cockpit view makes for an insanely frustrating experience using them for literally anything in sim especially


Yeah don’t you love it when a F5 on full heat is colder then a Harrier

Day 250 of waiting for the engine thrust and weight to be fixed

Are there open bug reports, if so can you link them?

Turns out thrust is actually pretty accurate now, not sure if its been updated since the patch this was made but:


Since posting my comment I have learned two things:

Most importantly 1: Thrust changing with airspeed is simulated

2: This graph doesn’t seem to add up with the War Thunder wiki, and I can’t check in-game because of server maintenance.
On the graph it looks like it’d reach the top thrust of about 27,396kgf at 1070 TAS or so, while the War Thunder Wiki says it’s 27,220kgf at 1,200kph.
(Numbers given on max thrust range from 24,000 to 27,396kgf, if anyone has the actual numbers on like a declassified document, that’d help me out)

Regardless of statistics, the F-14B doesn’t accelerate or top out how you’d expect, and it puzzles me.

Thank you for the graph, I’m not very smart when it comes to this and could never find something like this.

Not that I am aware of, a lot of closed ones regarding the F-14s though.

I’ll look into it further.

Anyone care to check if the F-14B’s TCS slaves radar? I think it got screwed by Gaijin again:

Now it doesn’t say OLS, it says IRST specifically…

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Nope, still doesn’t do anything

Anything with an IRST will keep tracking tho, and then switch back to radar when out of notch, nullifying any advantage a target gets by notching you unless they hold the notch the entire time until the missile flies by them.

@Gunjob any reason why all IRST now get auto switched to when radar track would be lost, but the AN/AXX-1 TCS doesnt despite there being a bug report in for almost a year now?

Gaijins habit of adding things to other jets/weapons but passing over the F-14 is getting out of hand. First the AIM-54C gets snubbed its reduced smoke motor and now TCS still doesnt get to be counted as a sensor or do basically anything its supposed to do irl despite that function being added for IRST?!

To note, the TCS functionality and the 54C’s low smoke motor aren’t even contested by gaijin. The bug reports have been approved, and the documentation includes primary sources. They just aren’t being acted on “because”


Gunjob can’t help with that. All the mods do is forward stuff to the devs and we all know bug reports are ignored if they are inconvenient.

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Theres not much else I can do but ask gunjob about it. Might have something to do with the fact that the only dev that interacts with missile posts has a clear bias against the AIM-54, maybe that extends to the F-14 as well

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Why the hell did they make the flaps deployment automatic on the f14… Irl they were automatic but the pilot had full control of them as well. They could RETRACT or deploy them at will… The F14 has now basically turned into a glorified F4 that turns very hard (breaking wings) one time and then its stuck at low energy


Not only that the slats open at .9 mach even… 16 G’s i pulled… What on earth is this… On any other field of industry ppl lose their jobs over continous fuck ups, but here the fuck ups are the norm… Seriously go ask Heatblur for advice to model your F14…


Politicians and CEO’s dont lose their job over failures either tbf. Maybe gaijin just has political aspirations

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I can’t access the game right now but was aware of the flaps/slats changes when data mines came out.

Is it that bad ?? I mean the F14 is still an F-14

I dont play anymore so i cant test it either, but iirc, the change to the flaps/slats actually leads to the F-14 being unable to use its flaps at the airspeed where they are most effective. The automatic use of slats would also lead to pulling more AOA than may desired, particularly in mouse aim, which might be why its seeming like the F-14 is getting pushed into the 1 circle only role despite being fantastic at both 1 and 2 circle irl and in-game previously


Yeah got you, it prolly feels a bit like what the MiG-29 or F-16 may be so if you the pitch up key it lose speed until it stall out.

Flaps being automatic is a bit strange imo especially on such an old bird…

Do I assume all flaps are now automatic on all 4th gen aircraft right ??

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