F-14 has no vapor effect

f-14 has no vapor effect
Other planes i tried, it works. F-14 completely off

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recreatable, i’ll send a bug report

Appreciate man

No vapor, but awesome always! F14 ;)

If you mean the LERX vapor effects

Then its missing from a lot of aircraft. Including things like the Tornado. Its possible they havent figured out how to model it on the variable wing aircraft


Did u say Tornado?

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That’s what I’m thinking. Or maybe they’re doing it like the secondary load out thing where they slowly add it over many updates so that there are things to look forward to

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They’ve done staggered releases before, heck even drop tanks could be considered similar with the rollout, but I wouldnt be surprsied if some aircraft are WAY harder to do than others.

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Yeah, didn’t think about the drop tanks

Yeah, that’s probably the case. But who knows, I mean it’s Gaijin we’re talking about, they make some funny choices sometimes… 🤷😂

Yeah, they really do

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Smin did say that the effect was going to be added to more planes in the future.

Yeah, there’s no doubt they won’t, we’re just talking about why it’s not right now. Can’t wait until it’s on props like the 51 🤤🤤

Gaijin hating on the F-14 all the time, on purpose or not


The Tomcat doesn’t have LERX because every time they try to add it, they get the error code: “Error: Aircraft looks too sexy to be real. Please try again.”

Pics for reference on what F-14 LERX should look like: