F-14 BR is it really balanced?

The best solution is to decompress and move the IRAF up. It’s objectively better than the 12.7 F-14A, and that plane shouldn’t move down at all.

Fakour-90s are fast, and they give very little time to react, and that makes them a very potent missile. They shouldn’t be facing 11.7 planes.

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Nope, F-14 is kinda trash.

The standard F-14A’s equivalents are all 12.3: EJ Kai, Mig-21 Bison, Kurnass 2000, etc. [some trade AIM-7s for extremely potent IR missiles.] Even the Mirage 2000C5 is 12.3, a superior aircraft overall to the listed aircraft, though EJ Kai hosts the best weapons of the listed aircraft overall. 8 potent missiles is strong.
They should all be the same BR. And F-4J should be 0.3 below the F-14A standard as the only notable difference is the airframe performance where F-14A is somewhat better.
F-14A having anti-bomber missiles isn’t notable when both F-14A and F-4J have anti-fighter missiles.

Of course it will be 12.3 if you ignore the entire reason why it’s 12.7.

ARH missiles don’t belong below 12.7. They aren’t fun to fight against if you only have SARH missiles, since they can force you into a defensive position.

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The reason F-14A standard is 12.7 is cause Gaijin incorrectly thought it had Fakour 90s.
F-14A standard doesn’t have dogfight ARH missiles, stop implying that it does.
Just cause F-14A standard has the AIM-7D of ARHs doesn’t make it good.
They can NEVER force people in defensive positions.

There’s a reason the last time I died to an F-14A was almost 2 years ago now and it was a gun frag on my Mirage 3C.
I can’t even count how many standard F-14As fragged me this year cause it’s zero, and you can’t count zero.

The F-4J at 12.0 does everything the standard F-14A does against fighters except dogfight as well as it.
There’s a reason I have deaths to F-4J/S and not F-14A.
F-14A’s characteristics make it rather impossible to play above the BR its equivalent aircraft are at.

Pay attention to the rwr early on and use a combination of terrain masking, chaff, going cold, and notching. Almost all of my teammates that I see die from phoenixes and fakours are going in a straight line not paying attention until it’s to late to avoid.

Seriously use some situational awareness and stay low in the beginning you’ll do just fine.

It’s 12.7 because it has ARH missiles. The IRAF is a direct upgrade, so it should go to 13.0.

How? Simply launching an ARH forces them to defend, which almost always prevents them from launching a missile back at you.

You can’t say that it is equal to a 12.0 while also ignoring the whole reason why it is at 12.7 to begin with.

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For Aim-54s, I mostly agree.

Fakours are a different story due to how fast they are. They often don’t give quite enough time to properly react.

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No, it doesn’t have dogfight ARH missiles. It’s 12.7 cause Gaijin incorrectly thought it was the same as the F-14A Iran. That’s it.
And no, F-14 Iran should not go to 13.0.

How to defend against an AIM-54: Turn 5 degrees one direction, 10 degrees another, alternate until it hits the ground and continue on.
You never have to notch, you never even have to chaff though you can if you want.

“F3H and Vautour should be 10.0 cause no jet with SARHs should be below 10.0.” - Hypothetical argument someone can make with your posts’ reasoning.

I mean yeah Fakours are scarier but still I rarely die to them anymore and I fly a lot planes with terrible directional rwr. Back when entire teams were IRAF F14s I understood the frustration but now it’s 1-3 per team usually.

I really just fly with terrain masking going left off the airfield at around 500-800m altitude and I’ve died maybe 2 or 3 times to the fakour in the last 2 months

That’s not how it works. the IRIAF is a direct upgrade from a mid-bad plane, that doesn’t mean it should be a higher BR.

and the IRIAF has the tradeoff of only carrying 4 vs 6 on the F-14A of its best missiles

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move up? without any irccm missile or new fox 3s ?

Move up on the basis that it is better than the F-14A at the same BR.

I want to see decompression too, because that gives it more of a case for moving up.

or move down F-14A? it has mediocre IR, alright but outclassed SARH, and decent long range reach. the IR and lackluster SARH i think give reason to have it at 12.3, after all they only got moved up bc of iriaf

accurate. the f14A is so lame at 12.7 that i have not even crewed it. I have the IRIAF, why would i ever bother to waste a single silver lion playing the standard A variant. We need decompression that keeps the f14a where it is and move a lot of 12.7+ aircraft up.
I believe the standard A variant is a great stepping stone into fox3 territory and the IRIAF the next logical step. Its very easy to counter the AIM54 missile, and its really not hard to counter the fakour 90 either, you just have to react sooner.