Does anyone have an insight to when we could receive vehicles such as the F-102 or some of the other F-100 series aircraft, such as the f-101 voodoo and f-106 delta dart that are not in the game at the moment?
whenever gaijin feels like it, they could have done it for the past 5 years
You mean the Centuries Fighters?
Correct, I’d like to see the rest of them added to the game either via tech tree or event etc.
Go support their suggestions or make your own for those that don’t have one yet!
However, unfortunately, it seems that the majority of the playerbase (especially those that are willing to buy premiums) only care about top tier, so it’s more likely we’ll see the F-35 before any of these aircraft.
Thanks for sharing my suggestion here!
As for the F-102, it’s unlikely we’ll actually see it here, though it would make for an interesting squadron or event vehicle. One I see being super cool is the TF-102, a fully combat-capable trainer F-102! That and the bog-standard F-102A would be awesome.