External bombs for the De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk VI

The Mosquito fighter bomber is still missing its external bombs. The FB Mk VI could carry two 500 lb bombs internally and one 500 lb bomb under each wing (Source: https://www.dehavillandmuseum.co.uk/aircraft/de-havilland-dh98-mosquito-fb-mk-vi/).


Photos [IWM (CH 12415) and IWM (CH 12408)] from AIRCRAFT OF THE ROYAL AIR FORCE 1939-1945: DE HAVILLAND DH 98 MOSQUITO. | Imperial War Museums and R.A.F. AIRCRAFT TYPES : THE MOSQUITO FIGHTER BOMBER | Imperial War Museums


Oh that’s cool. Never knew it could hold more

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The Mosquito FB Mk VI could carry 4 x 500 lb bombs, the same bomb load as the bomber variant, which can carry 2000 lbs of bombs internally. Since the bomber variant is still nowhere to be seen, this would be the next best option.