I don’t have much experience playing missile SPAAs on high tiers.
I see that this vehicle is marked as SPAA, but I did a test drive and could not find a way to lock the missile on a plane. In fact I had better luck destroying light ground targets with it on the test drive map. Am I missing something here? Will it get plane tracking once I fully spade it or what? The way it plays now, it just seems like a worse version of an ordinary ATGM carrier.
How do you try to lock planes?
The missile is a beamriding missile with proximity fuze so you need to guide the missile with your mouse close to the enemy. The Lvrbv get a lock radar which follows the target by its own and help aiming the missile. Its a low G missile so the enemy doesn’t need to manouver much to avoid it. In teh control setting you will find lock IRST/Radar bind a keybind to it and pount at a plane in the gunner view and it should lock the target.
Thanks. That is pretty lame.